Visiting / International

Visiting Students
The Department of Early and Medieval Irish offers a range of Celtic Civilisation modules and has always extended a warm welcome to visiting students. Celtic Civilisation offers a broad perspective that reveals the riches of early Ireland’s literature, history, legend and religon; its place in ancient and medieval Europe; and its links with other Celtic regions. For students who are coming to UCC from overseas, Celtic Civilisation modules are ideal for exploring the depth and vitality of Ireland's Celtic past.
CC2250 Ancient Ireland was specifically created to introduce international students to the culture of early medieval Ireland, and to illuminate connections between its literature, mythology, religion, society and material culture. This 5 credit module is available in Semester 1 and is repeated in Semester 2.
For information about applying to UCC as a visiting student, and for general queries and assistance please contact the International Education Office.
Assessment for Visiting Students
Visiting students are examined and graded in exactly the same way as regular UCC students, usually sitting an in-class test during the semester and sitting a final examination at the end of the semester. It is important that you do not make arrangements for your return home before finding out when the final examinations will take place. Conflicting travel arrangements are not an acceptable excuse for non-attendance at examinations.
The grading system at UCC operates differently to those with which visiting students may be familiar; American students, especially, often find their marks alarmingly low. Don’t panic! The International Students Office, and your home institution, are well aware of these differences, and will convert your grade into its counterpart for your school record.
Note that 40 is the minimum passing grade at UCC.
Certificate in Irish Studies
University College Cork's Certificate in Irish Studies is an undergraduate interdisciplinary programme for visiting international students drawing on a number of academic disciplines which aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the whole range of the rich indigenous Irish cultural tradition over two millennia. The modules selected for inclusion here are those which reflect the earlier cultures – of Ireland in particular, but with reference to Scotland and Wales as well. The contributing departments are Early and Medieval Irish, Modern Irish, Archaeology, History and Folklore. For students interested specifically in the Irish language a weekend in an Irish–speaking area (Gaeltacht) is arranged (through the Centre for Spoken Irish / Ionad na Gaeilge Labhartha) at Dún Chíomháin, the university’s Gaeltacht site in beautiful west Kerry.