News / Events
Éigse Cholm Cille 2021
Beidh Comhdháil Éigse Cholm Cille na bliana seo ar 19-20 Samhain.
Labhróidh Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh ar ‘Colm Cille: Tuartha, Tairngreachtaí agus Fáistine Fhileata’ ar an Satharn, 20ú lá mí na Samhna, ar 4.45 i.n. agus is as Gaeilge a thabharfar an chaint.
Éigse Cholm Cille 2021
19-20 Samhain
Oidhreacht Cholm Cille (The Columban Heritage)
The conference is devoted to celebrating the literary, historical, cross-cultural and folklore tradition and oral heritage of one of the most renowned Irish saints, St. Colmcille.
The speakers to the conference are coming from a range of different institutions in Ireland (both North and South) and further afield, including Denmark and Iceland.
Gheofar tuilleadh eolais i gclár na hÉigse anseo: Éigse Cholm Cille 2021