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The Máire Mulcahy Prize

At a glance

  • Value: Gold Medal
  • You must be a current UCC Student to be eligible for this prize
  • Questions about this prize can be directed to


1.This medal has been established in honour of the retirement of Professor Máire F Mulcahy, Head of Department of Zoology and Animal Ecology at University College, Cork.
2. The prize is in the form of a gold medal, twelve of which were struck from a collection taken up in the department at the time of her retirement, and the first of which was awarded to Professor Mulcahy to mark the occasion.
3. The medal will be awarded annually to the best overall final year Zoology student within UCC at the Annual Prize-Giving Ceremony.
4. The judges will be the academic staff of Zoology and Ecology disciplines in the School of BEES at UCC.

Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
