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The Cork Electronics Industry Association Prize

At a glance

  • Value: Medal and parchment
  • You must be a current UCC Student to be eligible for this prize
  • Questions about this prize can be directed to


The Cork Electronics Industry Association represents more than fifty companies in the Cork area, together with the IDA, FÁS, the Irish Trade Board, CIT and UCC. Since 1988, the Association has awarded an annual prize of a gold medal and parchment to the student obtaining first place in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree examinations at UCC. To celebrate UCC 150 the Association established this prize.

  • The prize will be called "The Cork Electronics Industry Association Prize".
  • The award, which will consist of a gold medal and a suitably inscribed parchment, will be made annually to the student who obtains the highest aggregate percentage mark in the BE (Hons) (Electrical and Electronic) Degree Examination.
  • In the event of equal marks being obtained by two or more students an interview will be held. The membership of the interview board will be determined by the President.
  • The name of the winner will be inscribed on a commemorative plaque held in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
