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The Edward Gurr Prizes
At a glance
- Value: €800
- You must be a current UCC Student to be eligible for this prize
- Questions about this prize can be directed to the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience
Dr. Edward Gurr, PhD, FRIC, FLS, was attached to the Department of Anatomy, University College Cork, as an honourary Research Associate for a number of years. He was head of the Michrome Laboratories in London which manufacture dyestuffs used in Histology. To mark his association with the Medical School of the University, Dr. Gurr donated the sum of €1,300 for the provision of annual prizes in Histology for medical and dental students. The current value of each prize is c. €800. The following conditions were approved by the Governing Body:
- That two prizes be offered for award annually, one for competition among medical students and the other for competition among dental students.
- That each prize be called "The Edward Gurr Prize".
- That the prize for Medical students be awarded on the results of the eligible candidates in the Histology component of the First University Anatomy Prizes Examination.
- That the prize for Medical students be open to competition only among students who sit the First University Anatomy Prizes Examination, namely, those who are registered as First Year Medical students of University College Cork during the current session; whose aggregate marks are among the top 10% of the class in the Anatomy component of Progressive Assessment in the following Modules: FM1001, FM1002, FM1003; and the standard of whose histology notebooks, assessed as part of the FM1001, FM1002 and FM1003 modules, is deemed sufficiently high by the Professor of Anatomy.
- That the prize for Dental students be awarded on the results of the eligible candidates in the relevant portions of the Second University Anatomy Examination in Dentistry.
- That the prize for Dental students be awarded to students who are registered as second year Dental students of University College Cork during the current session; whose aggregate marks are the highest in the class in the oral histology component of AN2008 module; and the standard of whose oral histology spot exam as part of AN2008, is deemed sufficiently high by the Professor of Anatomy.
- That a prize be not awarded unless high merit has been shown.
- In case a prize be not awarded in any year, the income to be used for encouraging the study of histology within the Department of Anatomy in such manner as the Governing Body may prescribe.
- In case of insufficient funds for the prize, the dental students shall be awarded a certificate of appreciation.