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The Michael Joseph McEnery Memorial PhD Scholarship
At a glance
- Value: €6,000 for one year
- You must be an incoming or established MPhil/PhD Student of UCC, in the School of History, to be eligible for this scholarship
- Questions about this scholarship can be directed to history@ucc.ie
- https://www.ucc.ie/en/history/graduatestudies/scholarships/
Michael Joseph McEnery (1858-1940) was a distinguished student of Queen's College, Cork. He was Deputy Keeper of the Public Records and Keeper of the State Papers for all Ireland from 1914 to 1921; during this period he did much useful work in the field of Irish historical research both by his publications and by his skillful collection of material. From 1920 to 1924 he was President of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, Ireland. After his death his widow, Geraldine C. McEnery, founded the above scholarship for the promotion of Irish Historical Studies. Its value is €6,000 and is awarded under the following conditions:
1. Up to three Michael Joseph McEnery Memorial PhD Scholarships, worth €6,000 each, will be awarded subject to the approval of the School of History.
2. The scholarship is to carry out research for the degree of PhD (or MPhil as a pathway to a PhD) in the field of Irish Historical Studies in the School of History at University College Cork. Applicants must have at least Second Class Honours (Grade 1) or equivalent in their first or subsequent degrees.
3. Applications are invited from:
- Students who will commence a PhD, (or MPhil as a pathway to a PhD) programme in September/October 2024. Applicants should already have applied online through UCC's application system. The award of the scholarship(s) is contingent on the student being accepted to the relevant PhD programme.
- Students already within the existing History PhD or MPhil programme are also eligible to apply.
- Past recipients may re-apply.
i) Applicants should complete the McEnery Scholarship application form.
ii) Applications should also include a writing sample of circa 8-10,000 words.
iii)They should include relevant supporting materials and non-returnable transcripts of their academic record. Graduates of University College Cork do not need to supply transcripts.
iv) In addition, they should ask their prospective supervisor(s) and another academic referee to send references separately, on the appropriate form.
v) Applications and references should be submitted electronically to history@ucc.ie before the deadline – Friday 16th August 2024.
5. Applications will not be assessed if they are incomplete or have been received after the advertised closing date. Applications must adhere to the stipulated word limits.
6. Selection of successful applicants will be made on the basis of the materials supplied to the School of History. The award of the scholarship(s) will only take place on satisfaction that there are candidates of sufficient merit who have feasible research topics of academic value.
7. If offered, successful applicants must confirm their intention to take up the Scholarship within one working week (five working days) of notification of the School of History’s intention to award them a Scholarship. The successful applicant must also provide proof of registration.
8. Should, during the period of the Scholarship, a successful applicant also be the recipient of any major scholarship or grant (such as a PhD studentship from the Irish Research Council), s/he will be required to forego the award of the Michael Joseph McEnery Memorial Scholarship.
9. If progress reports are deemed unsatisfactory, the scholarship will be terminated.
10. The School of History should be notified in good time of any change of circumstances likely to cause disruption to the scholarship holder’s research schedule.
11. Applications will be assessed according to the criteria as specified in the application, which include the following:
- Quality of the project; Research methodology; Research plan;
- Why the research merits the support of the Michael Joseph McEnery Memorial Scholarship;
- Applicant profile and abilities
12. The deadline for electronic submission of the application and all supporting documentation is Friday 16th August 2024. Submissions to James Buckley, School of History history@ucc.ie
13. Students must only use their student email address at all times (student number@umail.ucc.ie)
McEnery Memorial PhD Scholarship Reference Form 2024-25
McEnery Memorial PhD Scholarship Terms and Conditions 2024-25
McEnery Memorial PhD Scholarship Application form 2024-25
Note: These awards are funded from endowments made by the respective donors to the University for awards to be made in perpetuity. The funds donated are invested, and the annual income is the amount available for the award. Due to fluctuation in the investment market, the amounts available from year to year may vary, upwards and downwards; for this reason, the value of any award referred to in this section is indicative only, and may be higher or lower when the amount of the award is completed.