Modules and Timetable 2024-25
Undergraduate Teaching Arrangements for 2024-25
Below is a summary of timetable details and mode of teaching in Philosophy undergraduate modules for the coming academic year. Full details will be available on CANVAS module pages, and in course year booklets. The First Year Booklet 2024-25, Second Year Philosophy Booklet 2024-25 and Third Year Philosophy Booklet 2024-25 can be found here. You should also feel free to email the lecturer for any module if you require more detail.
Details of the MA in Philosophy and Postgraduate Diploma in Philosophy, 2024-25, can be found here MA in Philosophy Booklet 2024-25 For information about a PhD in Philosophy, please contact Philosophy's Director of Postgraduate Studies, Dr. Bengt Autzen email
Note: in 2024-25, in line with UCC policy, lectures will be recorded and made available only where necessary for those students registered with Disability Support Services.
First-Year Philosophy:
More details can be found in the First Year Booklet 2024-25.
- PH1001 (Introduction to Philosophy, 1st and 2nd Semester) and PH1005 (Philosophy and Social Science: An Introduction, 1st Semester Only):
- Schedule: Mondays 3-4pm Boole 3; Wednesdays 12 noon-1pm Boole 2; Thursdays 10-11am Boole 3.
- Tutorials: Students are required to sign up for one tutorial discussion group. Further details will be available via Canvas and in the Course Booklet.
Second-Year Philosophy:
If you have specific questions about a module, you should feel free to email the lecturer. Further details are also available in the Second Year Philosophy Booklet 2024-25
Important Notice 2nd Year Introductory Lecture - This lecture will take place 11am-12 noon, Tuesday 10th September, 2024, in Cummins Building Room G10. All second year students taking Philosophy modules should attend this important session, if possible.
2024-2025 First Semester Modules:
- PH2002 Reasoning and Argument – Dr. Joel Walmsley
- Tuesdays 11am-12 noon: Cummins Building (formerly Civil Eng Building) G10
- Thursdays 9-10am: Cummins Building (formerly Civil Eng Building) G10
- PH2004 An Introduction to Political Philosophy – Dr. Vittorio Bufacchi
- Mondays 11am-12 noon, Kane B10A
- Wednesdays 10-11am, Boole 6
- PH2023 Chinese Philosophy – Dr. Adam Loughnane
- Mondays 1-2pm, Western Gateway Building G09
- Wednesdays 12 noon-1pm, Kane G18
- PH2034 Capitalism and Welfare – Prof. Don Ross
- Mondays 3-4pm WGB G13
- Tuesdays 1-2pm Kane B10A
- PH2035 Roman Political Thought: Cicero – Dr. Vittorio Bufacchi
- Wednesdays 1-2pm WW5
- Thursdays 10-11am AL G18
- PH2036 Existentialism - Dr. Adam Loughnane
- Mondays 10-11am Boole 6
- Tuesdays 9-10am WW9
2024-2025 Second Semester Modules:
- PH2006 Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness – Dr. Joel Walmsley
- Monday 11am-12noon, Boole 5
- Wednesdays 2-3pm WW6
- PH2012 Philosophy of Knowledge – Dr. Bengt Autzen
- Mondays 1-2pm Aras na Laoi G18
- Wednesdays 11am-12 noon Boole 6
- PH2017 Feminist Philosophy – Dr. Evelien Geerts
- Tuesdays 2-3pm O’Rahilly Bldg 212
- Thursdays 3-4pm O’Rahilly Bldg 212
- PH2018 Violence and War - Dr. Vittorio Bufacchi
- Mondays 3-4pm Boole 2
- Wednesdays 9-10am Cavanagh Pharmacy Building LG51
- PH2019 Philosophy of Science –Dr. Bengt Autzen and Prof. Don Ross
- Mondays 10-11am ORB 123
- Thursdays 1-2pm West Wing 5
- PH2028 Applied Ethics – Dr. Jason Dockstader and Dr. Juliana De Albuquerque
- Tuesdays 3-4pm Food Science Bldg A1
- Thursday 4-5pm Boole 2
- GR2043 Ethics and Philosophical Ways of Living in Antiquity - Dr. Crystal Addey, Department of Classics. Email
- Wednesdays 12-1pm Boole 6 and 4-5pm Kane G20N
Third-Year Philosophy:
If you have specific questions about a module, you should feel free to email the lecturer. Further details are also available in the Third Year Philosophy Booklet 2024-25
Important Notice 3rd Year Introductory Lecture - This lecture will take place 12 noon-1pm, Tuesday 10th September, 2024, in O'Rahilly Building, Room 212. All third year students taking Philosophy modules should attend this important session, if possible.
2024-2025 First Semester Modules:
- *PH3002 Research Essay - Various Staff
- To be decided by supervisors
- PH3025 Political Philosophy in Theory and Practice - Dr. Vittorio Bufacchi
- Tuesdays 4-5pm FSB 322
- Thursdays 1-2pm WGBG14
- PH3036 Moral Psychology 1 - Dr. Jason Dockstader
- Mondays 12 noon - 1pm ORB212
- Thursdays 11-12 noon WW9
- PH3042 Professional Ethics - Dr. Julie Reshe
- Mondays 2-3pm WW6
- Wednesdays 11am-12 noon ORB255
- PH3046 Philosophy of Biology - Dr. Bengt Autzen
- Tuesdays 10-11am Kane G07
- Thursdays 3-4pm Kane G07
- PH3047 Evidence - Dr. Bengt Autzen
- Tuesdays 1-2pm FSB 322
- Wednesdays 2-3pm ORB 132
- PH3110 Human Nature and Free Will - Dr. Joel Walmsley
- Tuesdays 12 noon-1pm ORB 212
- Thursdays 12 noon -1pm AL G18
- AS3009 Religious and Philosophical Traditions of Korea (10 credits) - Dr. Kevin Cawley (Dept. of Asian Studies)
- Mondays 3-5pm C_WW_4 (lecture)
- Wednesdays 11am-12 noon Pharmacy LG08 (seminar)
2024-2025 Second Semester Modules:
- *PH3031 Research Essay 2 - Various Staff
- To be decided by staff
- PH3035 Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence - Dr. Joel Walmsley
- Tuesday 12noon-1pm Boole 6
- Thursday 1-2pm Kane B10A
- PH3041 Moral Psychology 2 - Dr. Alessandro Salice
- Tuesdays 4-5pm WGB G15
- Thursdays 10-11am Kane G18
- PH3044 Social Ontology - Mr. Roy Wroth
- Tuesdays 2-3pm ORB 156
- Thursdays 4-5pm Boole 6
- PH3048 Moral Philosophy in Theory and Practice - Dr. Kian Mintz-Woo
- Wednesdays 10-11am Boole 6
- Thursdays 3-4pm ORB 123
- PH3049 Advanced Phenomenology and Mind - Dr. Alessandro Salice
- Tuesdays 10-11am ORB 255
- Thursdays 12noon-1pm WW9
- PH3050 Violence and the Environmental Posthumanities - Dr. Evelien Geerts
- Mondays 3-4pm WGB G13
- Thursdays 9-10am FSB 322
- PH3113 Philosophy of Existence and Death - Dr. Julie Reshe
- Mondays 1-2pm ORB 156
- Wednesdays 1-2pm Kane G02
*Students who take PH3002 in semester 1 cannot take PH3031 in semester 2.