Student Entrepreneur Awards Information Session
On Friday 18th February we hosted a Student Entrepreneur Awards information session for UCC students interested in applying for the competition.
The Student Entrepreneur Awards gives young entrepreneurs a viable pathway to transform their smart ideas into commercial businesses.
During the online session we spoke about the competition, the application process, the criteria, the prizes and shared some tips and advice for preparing the 2minute video pitch.
We were also joined by three past Award winners for the session who shared their experience and advice - Mark O'Sullivan of Neurobell, was the Overall Winner in 2020 while Nick Cotter & Jack Cotter of Cotter Crate were Winners of the Local Enterprise Offices ICT Award. And Marion Cantillon of Pitseal won the Cruickshank High Achieving Merit Award in 2021.
Recording of the information session can be found here:
Enterprise Ireland’s Student Entrepreneur Awards is open for applications from third level students with innovative business ideas. There is €35,000 in prize money available with a top prize of €10,000. The Awards are open to full-time registered third level undergraduate and postgraduate students.
You only need a 2 min video that showcases your great idea, highlighting commercial and export potential to enter and the deadline is 11 March.
Here is a little more information about the Student Entrepreneur Awards:
The criteria:
- The idea must have commercial viability and export potential.
- Students must own, control and manage their business Intellectual Property where applicable.
- Not for profit and social entrepreneurship applicants must operate in a commercial domain.
- Students must have an ambition to start their business in Ireland and base their headquarters here.
- The maximum number is five students per team.
Cash Awards:
- Overall Winner - €10,000
- Cruickshank High Achieving Merit Award - €5,000
- Grant Thornton High Achieving Merit Award- €5,000
- Local Enterprise Office ICT Award - €5,000
- Enterprise Ireland Merit Awards Fund 6 x runner-up awards of €1,500 and 1 academic award of €1,000.
Applications Process:
1. Students create a two minute video that showcases their great ideas, highlighting commercial and export potential. The videos are submitted via an online entry form. Deadline 11th March.
2. The top 50 entries are shortlisted and asked to submit a business plan. Deadline Friday 6th May.
3. Ten projects go forward to the final where they present their ideas to the judging panel on the 9th & 10th June. This session concludes with the Student Entrepreneur Awards ceremony.
For more information on the awards, visit: