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Boyle Scholarship in German

The Department of German invites applications for the Boyle Postgraduate Scholarship in German. 


Mrs. Ita Kirwan, daughter of the late Professor Connell Boyle, formerly Professor of Agriculture and Dean of the Faculty of Dairy Science in UCC, and Professor Mary Boyle, formerly Professor of German in UCC, has donated a substantial sum of money to perpetuate the memory of her parents by endowing The Boyle Postgraduate Scholarship in German.



1. This Scholarship is offered annually and is open for competition among suitably qualified postgraduate students currently enrolled in the German department. 

2. The intention of the scholarship is to facilitate travel to a German-speaking country for the purposes of research.

3. The Scholarship is currently valued at c. €2,500 and is tenable for one year. 


Interested students should apply in writing to Dr Barbara Siller ( with a project proposal of max. 700 words by Monday 19 December 2022, 18:00


As the intention of the scholarship is to facilitate travel to a German-speaking country for the purposes of research, your project proposal should include the following information and address the following points: 

• Name, degree programme and student number of the applicant 

• Confirmation that the applicant is currently a postgraduate student associated with the Department of German at UCC

• Provisional title of the project or area of proposed research 

• Proposed destinations (archive; university etc.) in a German-speaking country and planned timeframe of the visit

• Project description (what work / research you intend to undertake at the institution / archive / location indicated above) 

• Any other relevant information that provides rationale for one or more research visits to a German-speaking country. 


Students should note that these research trips might be used to liaise with or interview an author / translator or to gain access to libraries or other materials not available in the home institution. 


In the event that there are several suitable submissions of equal calibre, applicants may be called for interview. The Scholarship shall prioritize those students who would otherwise have difficulty travelling to a German-speaking country for the purposes of research. 

Department of German


First Floor, O' Rahilly Building, UCC
