SARS COV-2, COVID-19 and the Food Industry: Myths, Misinformation, Communication Science
FoodlineUCC, located within the Food Industry Training Unit (FITU), School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork in partnership with Taste 4 Success Skillnet are delighted to host Professor Purnendu Vasavada and Professor Alan Kelly in this industry focused webinar.
Topic: SARS COV-2, COVID-19 and the Food Industry: Myths, Misinformation, Communication Science
Date: Tuesday the 15th of February
Time: 14:00-15:00 GMT
As the food industry and the world at large continues to battle the coronavirus and the Covid-19 pandemic, it is also facing a rapid spread of myths, misinformation and conspiracies, especially through social media. This online spread of myths, misinformation and disinformation about the pandemic, often dubbed “infodemic” is leading cause of confusion, distrust in science, downplaying the severity of disease and spreading bad information and rumors, and unsound health advice and unproved “cures”, some with fatal consequences. In this webinar we will explore some common myths and misconceptions regarding SARS COV-2 and Covid-19, explore the role of science and scientists in communicating reliable, credible information to the public and provide advice on identifying credible sources of information. Finally, lessons learned for the food sector from the pandemic will be considered.
The webinar will start at 14:00 GMT and will be followed by a live Question and Answer session.
Click here to register for this free webinar
Click here to see the full agenda for this webinar
Purnendu Vasavada is a Professor Emeritus of Food Science, University of Wisconsin- River Falls and Principal and managing member of the PCV & Associates, LLC. He is recognized internationally for his teaching, applied research, innovative training programs and active consultations in Food Science and Technology, especially, Food Safety and Microbiology and Rapid methods and Automation in Food Microbiology. Click here to see the full bio.
Professor Alan Kelly is a Professor in the School of Food and Nutritional Sciences at University College Cork. His teaching responsibilities include food processing and preservation, dairy product technology and new food product development. His research concerns the chemistry and processing of milk and dairy products and he has published over 300 research papers, review articles and book chapters, and supervised or co-supervised over 20 PhD students to completion. Click here to see the full bio.
Please do not hesitate to contact foodlineUCC if you have any queries or would like further information.