News Archive 2012
What do the worlds’ greatest athlete and a wonderfully creative actor have in common?
Find out in this year's Boolean where Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience doctoral researchers Shane Hegarty and Laura McKelvey showcase their research.
Shane Hegarty a PhD student in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience answers this and many other questions in his article 'Parkinson’s disease: Can we move in the right direction?
In her article 'Feel the pain!' Laura McKelvey also a PhD student in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, discusses her research into a spectrum of hereditary conditions including insensitivity to pain, a very rare condition in which sufferers cannot feel pain and cannot sweat.
The Boolean is a unique on-line journal which was introduced in 2010 as a novel way to make the wide diversity of research being undertaken by some of UCC’s 1,200 doctoral students known to as wide an audience as possible, in a style with which those without any expertise in the relevant fields could engage.
The objective is to provide a platform for students to share their research with others within and outside the University besides the specialist readers who will learn of it through conventional academic publication routes.