About UCC Radiology

University College Cork appointed Professor Michael M. Maher the first Chair of Radiology in 2005.
An attending Radiologist in Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Professor Maher returned to Ireland and developed the new Department of Radiology, UCC. The Department was founded in recognition of the pivotal role Radiology/Medical Imaging now plays in medical diagnosis and patient management. The Medical School at UCC acknowledged that it is imperative that Radiology/Medical Imaging should be integrated into the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum and that the presence of academic Radiologists was consummate with UCC’s research strategy which is aligned with Government policies including the Strategy for Science Technology and Innovation (SSTI) and Building Ireland’s Smart Economy.
Dr. Owen O’Connor was appointed as Senior Lecturer in Radiology at UCC in 2012 and continued in that role until November 2022.
Professor David Ryan was appointed Professor of Radiology, UCC in 2023
Mission and Goals
UCC Department of Radiology is committed to:
Promotion and development of academic radiology at University College Cork and its affiliated teaching hospitals.
Development of cutting-edge education programmes using evolving digital technologies which will integrate radiology and diagnostic imaging into the mainstream of undergraduate medical education.
Development of high quality clinical research programs within UCC affiliated Radiology Departments and, in collaboration with clinical colleagues, enhancing research opportunities at UCC and Postgraduate training.
Promotion of the speciality of Radiology and to highlight the requirement for state-of-the-art imaging equipment and facilities to enhance patient care at our hospitals.
Funding Information
Progress in achieving these goals has been realised through excellent administrative support, support from Clinical Radiologists at UCC-affiliated teaching hospitals, recruitment of highly motivated lecturers, and the development of close collaborative relationships with clinical and academic departments within UCC and its affiliated hospitals (e.g. Anatomy, Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology), Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, with the leading UCC Research Institutes (Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre and Tyndall Institute) and with international academics in Radiology.
There have also been collaborations with Industry (e.g. General Electric Healthcare). Funding for research programmes has been secured from European Community (Marie Curie Reintegration Grant (120K)), Science Foundation Ireland in association with General Electric (500K ) and HRB (100K for last CT Purchase). UCC recently contributed 200K towards the purchase of 3T MRI at CUH.
Current Staff
The current Departmental staff consists of:-
Professor Michael Maher (Professor of Radiology UCC & Consultant Radiologist Cork & Mercy University Hospitals)
Professor David Ryan (Professor of Radiology UCC & Consultant Radiologist Cork & Mercy University Hospitals)
Dr. Sahil Shet (Clinical Lecturer, UCC)
Ms. Catherine Murphy (Administrator)
2023: Dr. Patrick O'Regan (MB BCh BAO MSc (Hons) MRCSI) - Trained as a Specialist Registrar in Limerick University Hospital from 2019 to 2023. Completed training in CUH/MUH 2023 - 24. Appointed Consultant Radiologist in Cambridge, UK 2024.
2022: Dr. Michael Waldron (MB BCh BAO, MPharm, MSc, PGDip (Clin. Ed), MRCPI) - Commenced Radiology training as a Specialist Registrar in Cork University Hospital/Mercy Hospital in July 2023
2021: Dr. Alexander T O'Mahony (MPharm MPSI MB BCh BAO MRCPI PgDip MRY) - Commenced Radiology training as a Specialist Registrar in Cork University Hospital/Mercy University Hospital in July 2022
2020: Dr Claire Crowley (MB BCh BAO, MRCPI, MSc, FFR (RCSI) - She has been appointed as a Consultant Radiologist in the Mercy University Hospital, Cork.
2020: Dr David Ryan, (MB, MRCSI, FFR(RCSI), PhD (Cantab) - He completed a fellowship in neuroradiology imaging at the University of Toronto. He is currently a Consultant of Neuroradiology in CUH & MUH and was appointed Clinical Professor of Radiology (UCC) in CUH in 2023.
2019: Dr Stella Joyce, (MB Bch BAO MRCPI MRCP(UK) is continuing to a Radiology residency in the Cork affiliated Radiology Scheme.
2018: Dr Brian Carey (MB MRCS) is continuing to a Radiology residency in the Cork affiliated Radiology Scheme.
2017: Dr Richard Kavanagh (MB BSc FFRRCSI) has completed an abdominal fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital. He has been appointed Consultant Radiologist in Cork University Hospital.
2016: Dr Karl James (MB BDS FFRRCSI) completed a fifth year Radiology post in Paediatrics and is a Consultant Radiologist in Sligo.
2015: Dr Fiachra Moloney (MD, MB FFRRCSI) completed body, MSK and Paediatric fellowships in Toronto, Canada. Dr Moloney has been awarded an MD by UCC. He has been appointed Consultant Radiologist in Cork University Hospital.
2014: Dr Maria Twomey (MB FFRRCSI) completed a sixth year as Radiology Registrar in Cork University Hospital and a body Radiology fellowship in Toronto, Canada. She has been appointed Consultant Radiologist in Cork University Hospital.
2013: Dr Kevin Murphy (MB FFRRSI) completed Radiology fellowships in musculoskeletal imaging and abdominal imaging in Toronto, Canada. He is now Consultant Radiologist in the Bon Secours Hospital, Cork.
2012: Dr Lee Crush (MB FFRRSI) who subsequently worked as Consultant Radiologist at the Mercy University Hospital, Cork. Dr. Crush is now a Consultant Radiologist in the Mater Private Cork.
2011: Dr Patrick McLaughlin (MB FFRRCSI) who subsequent completed a Radiology fellowship in trauma imaging in Toronto, Canada, and was promoted to attending Radiologist there. Dr. McLaughlin is now a Consultant Radiologist in the South Infirmary Victoria Hospital, Cork.
2010: Dr Siobhan O’Neill (PhD, MB FFRRCSI) who completed a PhD thesis on low dose imaging at UCC prior to commencing a fellowship in cardiothoracic imaging in Toronto, Canada in 2016. Dr O'Neill is an attending Chest physician in Toronto.
2009: Dr Owen J O’Connor (MD FFRRCSI) completed a Radiology fellowship in abdominal imaging and interventional at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA. He then became Senior Lecturer UCC and Consultant Radiologist Cork University and Mercy University Hospitals until 2022. He is now a Consultant Radiologist in the Bon Secours Hospital, Cork
2008: Professor Kevin O’Regan (MB FRRRCSI) who subsequently completed Radiology fellowships in oncologic and body imaging at Beth Israel hospital and the Dana Farber Institute, Boston, USA. Professor O'Regan is now a Consultant Radiologist in Cork University Hospital.
2007: Dr Sean McSweeney, (MB FFRRSCI) who subsequently completed Radiology fellowships in cardiothoracic, musculoskeletal and oncologic imaging in Toronto, Canada, and is now a Consultant Radiologist at Cork University Hospital.