Project reports (Click '+' to expand)
FORESTBIO Final Project Report
HENHARRIER Final Project Report
Publications (Click '+' to expand)
- Pedley SM, Barbaro L, Guilherme JL, Irwin S, O’Halloran J, Proença V & Sullivan MJP. 2019. Functional shifts in bird communities from semi-natural oak forests to conifer plantations are not consistent across Europe. PLOS ONE 14: e0220155.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0220155. Pedley et al 2019
- O'Callaghan, CJ, Irwin, S, Byrne, KA & O'Halloran, J. 2017. The role of planted forests in the provision of habitat: an Irish perspective. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26: 3103-3124. OCallaghan et al 2016
- Pedley, SM, Oxbrough, A., Martin, RD, Irwin, S, Kelly, TC & O'Halloran, J. 2016. Can ground-based assessments of forest biodiversity reflect the biological condition of canopy assemblages? Forest Ecology and Management, 359: 190-198. Pedley et al 2016
- Graham, CT, Wilson, MW, Gittings, T, Kelly, TC, Irwin, S, Quinn, J & O'Halloran, J. 2015. Implications of afforestation for bird communities: the importance of preceding land-use type. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26: 3051-3071 Grahametal2015BC
Barsoum, N., Fuller, L., Reed, K., Bonnet-Lebrun, A.-S. & Leung, F. 2013. Ground-dwelling spider (Aranae) and carabid beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) community assemblages in mixed and monoculture stands of oak ( Quercus robur L./ Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) and Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.). Forest Ecology and Management, 321: 29-41. Barsoumetal2014
Pedley, S.M., Martin, R.D., Oxbrough, A., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. and O'Halloran, J. 2014. Commercial spruce plantations support a limited canopy fauna: Evidence from a multi taxa comparison of native and plantations forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 314:172-182. Pedley et al 2014.
- Graham, C.T., Wilson, M.W., Gittings, T., Kelly, T.C., Irwin, S., Sweeney, O. & O'Halloran, J. 2014. Factors affecting the bird diversity of planted and semi-natural oak forests in Ireland. Bird Study, 61(3): 309-320. Graham et al 2014
- Fuller, L., Newman, M., Irwin, S., Kelly, & O'Halloran. 2014. Ground-dwelling spider diversity in rare European oak and yew woodlands and the impact of grazing. Biodiversity and Conservation, DOI 10.1007/s10531-014-0695-5. PDF
- Irwin, S., Pedley, S.M., Coote, L., Dietzsch, A.C., Wilson, M.W., Oxbrough, A., Sweeney, O., Moore, K.M., Martin, R., Kelly, D.L., Mitchell, F.J.G., Kelly, T.C. and O'Halloran. 2014. The value of plantation forests for plant, invertebrate and bird diversity and the potential for cross-taxon surrogacy. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23:697-714. PDF
- Daly, E, NcCarthy, N, O'Halloran, J, Irwin, S & O'Rathaille, M. 2014. Effect of forest litter depth on seed germination efficacy of Rhododendron ponticum. Irish Forestry, 71: X-X.
- Oxbrough, A., Irwin, S., Wilson, M.W. & O'Halloran, J. 2013. Mechanisms and predictors of ecological change in managed forests: A selection of papers from the second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landcapses. Forest Ecology and Management, 321: 1-4. Oxbroughetal2014FEM
O'Halloran, J., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C., Quinn, J., Wilson, M.W. and Smiddy, P. 2013. Current ornithological research in Ireland: 6th Ornithological Research Conference, UCC, November 2013. Irish Birds, 9: 641-687.
Kelly, D.L., Moore, K. & Coote, L. 2013. Salix x pontederiana Willdenow ( S. cinerea Linnaeus x S. purpurea Linnaeus): a hybrid willow confirmed for Ireland. Irish Naturalists' Journal, 33: 59-60.
Fuller, L., Oxbrough, A., Gittings, T., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. & O'Halloran, J. 2013. The response of ground-dwelling spiders (Aranae) and hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) to afforestation assessed using within-site tracking. Forestry, 2013. doi: 10.1093/forestry/cpt049. Fulleretal2013F
Newman, M. Mitchell, F.J.G. & Kelly, D.K. 2013. Exclusion of large herbivores: Long-term changes within the plant community. Forest Ecology and Management, 321: 136-144. Newmanetal2013FEM
Fuller, L., Oxbrough, A., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. & O'Halloran, J. 2013. The importance of young plantation forest habitat and forest road-verges for ground-dwelling spider diversity. Biology & Environment, 113B: 259-271. Fuller2013a
Sharkey, N., Jones, M. and Bourke, D. 2013. Climate change impacts on woodland species: implications for conservation of woodland habitats in Ireland. Biology & Environment, 113B: 227-257. Sharkey2013
- Irwin, S., Kelly, D.L., Kelly, T.C., Mitchell, F.J.G., Coote, L., Oxbrough, A., Wilson, M.W., Martin, R.D., Moore, K.A., Sweeney, O.F., Dietzsch, A. & O'Halloran, J. 2013. Do Irish forests provide habitat for species of conservation concern. Biology & Environment 113B: 273-279. Irwin2013
Deady, R. 2013. Four species of Mycetophilidae (Diptera) new to Ireland. Irish Naturalists' Journal 32 (2): 145-147.
Martin, R.D. 2013. Anobium inexspectatum Lohse (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) at Drummin Wood, Co. Galway and Uragh Wood, Co. Kerry , a new record for Ireland. Irish Naturalists' Journal 32 (2): 149-150.
Graham, C.T., Irwin, S., Wilson, M.W., Gittings, T., Kelly, T.C. & O'Halloran, J. 2013. Tracking the impact of afforestation on bird communities. Irish Forestry, 70: 172-183. Grahametal2013
Coote, L., Dietzsch, A.C., Wilson, M.W., Graham, C.T., Fuller, L., Walsh, A.T., Irwin, S., Kelly, D.L., Mitchell, F.J.G., Kelly, T.C. and O'Halloran, J. 2013. Testing indicators of biodiversity for plantation forests. Ecological Indicators, 32: 107-115. PDF here.
Coote, L., French, L.J., Moore, K.M., Mitchell, F.J.G. and Kelly, D. 2012. Can plantation forests support plant species and communities of semi-natural woodland? Forest Ecology and Management, 283: 86-95. Coote et al 2012
Graham, C.T., Wilson, M.W., Irwin, S., Gittings, T.C., Kelly, T.C. and O'Halloran, J. 2012. Bird communities along forest roads: preliminary findings of a long term study. Irish Birds, 9: 367-374. Graham et al 2012
O'Connell, S., Irwin, S., Wilson, M.W., Sweeney, O., Kelly, T.C. and O'Halloran, J. 2012. How can forest management benefit bird communities? Evidence from eight years of research in Ireland. Irish Forestry, 69: 44-57. OConnell et al 2012
Wilson, M.W., O'Donoghue, B., O'Mahony, B., Cullen, C., O'Donoghue, T., Oliver, G., Ryan, B., Troake, P., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C., Rotella, J.J. & O'Halloran, J. 2012. Mismatches between breeding success and habitat preferenes in Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus breeding in forested landscapes. Ibis, 154: 578-589. Wilsonetal2012a
Wilson, M. W., Gittings, T., Pithon, J., Kelly, T.C., Irwin, S. & O'Halloran, J. 2012. Bird diversity of afforestation habitats in Ireland: current trends and likely impacts. Biology & Environment, 112: 1-14. Wilson et al 2012b
Oxbrough, A., French, V., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C., Smiddy, P. & O'Halloran, J. 2012. Can mixed species stands enhance arthropod diversity in plantation forests? Forest Ecology and Management, 270: 11-18. Oxbrough 2012
Irwin, S., Wilson, M.W., Kelly, T.C., O'Mahony, B., Oliver, G., Troake, P., Ryan, B., Cullen, C., O'Donoghue, B. & O'Halloran, J. 2011. The breeding biology of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland over a five year period. Irish Birds, 9: 165-172. PDF here.
Sweeney, O.F., Wilson, M.W., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C., Gittings, T., O'Halloran, J. 2011. Breeding birds of native woodlands and plantation forests in Ireland. Irish Birds, 9: 181-196. PDF here.
Martin, R., Oxbrough, A., Gittings, T., Kelly, T.C. & O'Halloran, J. 2010. New records and rare invertebrate specimens recorded during a decade of forest biodiversity research in Ireland. Antenna, 34: 111-118.
Sweeney, O.F.McD.,Wilson, M.W., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. & O'Halloran, J. 2010. The influence of a native tree species mix component on bird communities in non-native coniferous plantations in Ireland. Bird Study, 57 (4): 483-494. PDF here.
Sweeney, O.F.McD.,Wilson, M.W., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. & O'Halloran, J. 2010. Breeding bird communities of second rotation plantations at different stages of the forest cycle. Bird Study, 57 (3): 301-314. PDF here.
Sweeney, O.F., Wilson, M.W., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. & O'Halloran, J. 2010. Are bird density, species richness and community structure similar between native woodlands and non-native plantations in an area with a generalist bird fauna? Biodiversity & Conservation 19(8): 2329-2342. PDF here.
Wilson, M.W., Irwin, S., O'Donoghue, B., Kell, T.C. & O'Halloran, J. 2010. The use of forested landscapes by Hen Harriers in Ireland. COFORD Connects, Environment No. 10. PDF here.
O’Sullivan, B., Keady, S., Keane, E., Irwin, S. and O’Halloran, J. 2010. Data Mining for Biodiversity Prediction in Forests. Proceedings of the 2010 conference on ECAI 2010: 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 289-294. OSullivanetal2010
Oxbrough, A., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. & O'Halloran, J. 2010. Ground-dwelling invertebrates in reforested conifer plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 259: 2111-2121. PDF here.
Sweeney, O.F., Martin, R.D., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C., O'Halloran, J., WIlson, M.W. & McEvoy, P.M. 2010. A lack of large diameter logs and snags characterises dead wood patterns in Irish forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 259: 2056- 2064. PDF here.
Wilson, M., Gittings, T., Kelly, T.C. and O'Halloran, J. 2010. The importance of non-crop vegetation for bird diversity in Sitka spruce plantations in Ireland. Bird Study, 57: 116-120. PDF here.
Martin, R.D. 2009. Entelecara acuminata (Wider, 1834) at Brownstone Wood , Co.Kilkenny (Aeaneae: Linyphiidae), a new record to Ireland. Irish Naturalists Journal, 30 (1): 65-66.
Wilson, M.W., Irwin, S., Norriss, D.W., Newton, S.F., Collins, K., Kelly, T.C. & O'Halloran, J. 2009. The importance of pre-thicket conifer plantations for nesting Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland. Ibis, 151:332-343. PDF here.
Irwin, S., Wilson, M., Kelly, T.C., O'Donoghue, B., O'Mahony, B., Oliver, G., Cullen, C., O'Donoghue, T. & O'Halloran, J. 2008. Aspects of the breeding biology of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland. Irish Birds, 8: 331-334. PDF here.
O'Halloran, J., Kelly, T.C., Irwin, S. & Newton, S.F. 2008. Current Ornithological Research in Ireland: 5th Ornithological Research Conference, UCC November 2008. Irish Birds, 8: 441-486. PDF here.
Conference presentations (Click '+' to expand)
- Fernandez-Bellon, D., Wilson, M.W., Lewon, N., Irwin, S., Kelly. T.C., O'Mahony, B. and O'Halloran, J. 2013. Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus nesting behaviours: data from nest cameras. 6th Irish Ornithological Research Conference, November 23rd, University College Cork, Ireland.
- Graham, C.T., Wilson, M.W., Gittings, T., Kelly, T.C., Irwin, S., Sweeney, O.F., Quinn, J. and O'Halloran, J. 2013. Differential impacts of afforestation on bird diversity is dependent on previous land use. 6th Irish Ornithological Research Conference, November 23rd, University College Cork, Ireland.
- O’Halloran, J. 2013. Biodiversity of planted forests and provision of habitat. IUFRO Task Force on ‘Forest Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services’ workshop on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Planted Forests Workshop. Estoril, Portugal.
- Coote, L., Dietzsch, A.D., Wilson, M.W., Graham, C., Fuller, L., Gittings, T., Walsh, A.T., Irwin, S., Kelly, D.L., Mitchell, F.J.G., Kelly, T.C. and O'Halloran, J. 2012. Indicators of biodiversity in plantation forests. Second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes, August 2012, Cork, Ireland. Poster presentation. Coote et al 2012 Poster (a)
- Coote, L., Dietzsch, A.C., Wilson, M.W., Oxbrough, A., Sweene. y, O.F.McD., Moore, K., Martin, R., Irwin, S., Kelly, D., Mitchell, F.J.G., Kelly, T.C. and O’Halloran, J. 2012. Can spruce-dominated plantations support biodiversity equivalent to semi-natural woodlands? International conference on managing forests for ecosystem services: Can spruce forests show the way? October 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland. Poster presentation. Coote et al Poster (b)
- Coote, L. 2012. Plant diversity in Irish plantation forests. Second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes, August 2012, Cork, Ireland.
- Daly, E., McCarthy, N. and O’Halloran, J. 2012. Biological control of rhododendron using a fungal pathogen. Second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes, August 2012, Cork, Ireland. Poster presentation.
Daly, E. 2012. Rhododendron invasion. Second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes, August 2012, Cork, Ireland.
Deady, R. 2012. Biodiversity in Irish plantation forests: Saproxylic invertebrates: brash as a safe haven. Second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes, August 2012, Cork, Ireland.
Dietzsch, A.C., Coote, L., Wilson, M.W., Graham, C., Fuller, L., Gittings, T., Walsh, A.T., Iremonger, S., Oxbrough, A., Smith, G.F., Irwin, S., Kelly, D.L., Mitchell, F.J.G., Kelly, T.C. and O’Halloran, J. 2012. A comparison of the initial responses of plants, invertebrates and birds to the afforestation of grassland habitats. Second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes, August 2012, Cork, Ireland.
- Dietzsch, A.C., Coote, L., Wilson, M.W., Oxbrough, A., Sweeney, O.F.McD., Moore, K., Irwin, S., Kelly, D.L., Mitchell, F.J.G., Kelly, T.C. and O’Halloran, J. 2012. Knowing one, knowing all? Comparing the diversity responses of plants, spiders and birds in first and second rotation Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) plantations across the commercial forest cycle. International conference on managing forests for ecosystem services: Can spruce forests show the way? October 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Fuller, L. 2012. Biodiversity in Ireland’s native woodlands: BIOPLAN grazing experiment. Second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes, August 2012, Cork, Ireland. Poster presentation.
- Fuller, L., Oxbrough, A., Irwin, S., T. C. Kelly and O’Halloran, J. 2012. Impact of experimental road-verge management on ground-dwelling spider diversity in young Sitka spruce plantation forests. International conference on managing forests for ecosystem services: Can spruce forests show the way? October 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland. Poster presentation. Fuller et al 2012 Poster
- Kelly, D and Mitchell, F. 2012. Biodiversity in Ireland’s native woodlands: yew and oak woodland. Second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes, August 2012, Cork, Ireland.
McCarthy, N. 2012. Invasive species and the threat to Irish forestry. Second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes, August 2012, Cork, Ireland.
- Newman, M., Mitchell, F.J.G., and Kelly, D.L. 2012. Impacts of wild herbivores on diversity, structural composition, and regeneration in ancient oak woodlands. Irish Plant Scientists’ Association Meeting (IPSAM), 3rd April 2012, National Botanical Gardens, Dublin, Ireland.
- Newman, M., Mitchell, F.J.G., and Kelly, D.L. 2012. Impacts of wild herbivores on diversity, structural composition, and regeneration in ancient oak woodlands. Botany-Zoology Postgraduate Symposium 2012, 16th-17th April, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
- Newman, M., Mitchell, F.J.G., and Kelly, D.L. 2012. Exclusion of large herbivores: Long-term monitoring of plant community composition in Irish semi-natural oak woodlands. Second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes, August 2012, Cork, Ireland.
- O’Halloran, J. 2012. Ireland does have forests. The importance of highly managed forest fragments in agricultural landscapes. Second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes, August 2012, Cork, Ireland. Keynote presentation.
- O’Halloran, J., Nairn, R., Smiddy, P and Crowe, O. 2012. Bird Habitats in Ireland. Bird Habitats in Ireland – a one day symposium. RDS Dublin, May 18th 2012.
- Oxbrough, A., French, V., Smiddy, P., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. and O’Halloran, J. Can intensively managed plantation forests support a diverse arthropod fauna? 24thInternational Congress of Entomology, Daegu, Korea, 19-25thAugust, 2012.
- Oxbrough, A. 2012. Biodiversity in Irish plantation forests: Spiders, habitat structure and forest management. Second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes, August 2012, Cork, Ireland.
- Oxbrough, A., French, V., Smiddy, P., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. and O’Halloran, J. 2012. Can spruce plantations support a diverse and forest-associated arthropod fauna? International conference on managing forests for ecosystem services: Can spruce forests show the way? October 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland. Poster presentation. Oxbrough et al 2012 Poster
- Wilson, M., 2012. Woodland Forests and Scrub. Bird Habitats in Ireland – a one day symposium. RDS Dublin, May 18th 2012.
- Wilson, M. 2012. Biodiversity in Irish plantation forests: Bird conservation. Second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes, August 2012, Cork, Ireland.
Daly, E., McCarthy, N. and O’Halloran, J. 2011. Seed germination efficacy of alien invasive species Rhododendron ponticum L. 7th International Forest Vegetation Management Conference, 2011.
Deady, R., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C., Chandler, P.J. and O'Halloran, J. 2011. What Diptera diversity does thinning debris and clearfell debris support in Irish plantations? ENVIRON 2011, University College Cork. Deady et al 2011 Poster
- Deady, R., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C., Chandler, P.J. and O'Halloran, J. 2011. What Diptera diversity does thinning debris and clearfell debris support in Irish plantations? On Dynamics and Ecological services of deadwood in forest ecosystems, Quebec, May 2011. Poster presentation.
- Fuller, L., Irwin, S., Deady. R., Kelly, T.C. and O'Halloran, J. 2011. Can roads be used to enhance forest biodiversity? BES Annual Symposium, 2011, Forests and Global Change, University of Cambridge, March 2011. Poster presentation. Fuller et al 2011 Poster
- Fuller, L., Irwin, S., Deady. R., Kelly, T.C. and O'Halloran, J. 2011. Can roads be used to enhance forest biodiversity? Environ 2011, University College Cork, April 2011. Poster presentation. Fuller et al 2011 Poster
- Larsson, T-B., Barbati, A., Chirici, G., Gardfjell, H., Lombardi, F., Michalak, R, O’Halloran, J. & Sweeney, O. 2011. Deadwood in European Forests. International Symposium on Dynamics and Ecological services of deadwood in forest ecosystems, Quebec, May 2011.
McCarthy, N. 2011. Chondrostereum purpureum : Can it be the ‘Silver Bullet’ for woody vegetation management problems in Irish forestry? 7th International Forest Vegetation Management Conference, 2011.
- O’Halloran, J., Wilson, M.W., Sweeney, O. F. McD., Kelly, T. & Irwin, S. 2011. Bird communities of native and plantation forests in Ireland: Can plantations forests benefit bird communities? 8th Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Riga, Latvia, August 2011. Poster presentation.
- O’Halloran, J. Kelly, D., Kelly, T., Mitchell, F.J.G., Giller, P., Iremonger, S., Irwin, S. & Wilson, M. 2011. The environmental challenges facing the Irish forestry industry: Forests and biodiversity. Augustine Henry Forestry Lecture, RDS, March 2011.
- O’Halloran, J., Wilson, M.W., Sweeney, O. F. McD., Kelly, T. & Irwin, S. 2011. Bird communities of native and plantation forests in Ireland: Can plantations forests benefit bird communities? Environmental Research Institute Outreach Day 2011. Poster presentation.
- O’Halloran, J. Forests: From Biodiversity to Ecotoxicology. Environmental Research Institute Outreach Day 2011.
- Wilson, M.W., O'Mahony, B., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. & O'Halloran, J. 2011. Ecology of Hen Harriers (Circus cyaneus) in forested landscapes in Ireland. 8th Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Riga, Latvia, August 2011.
- Coote, L., French, L.J., Moore, K., Mitchell, F.J.G. & Kelly, D.L. 2010. Can plantation forests support species and vegetation communities typical of semi-natural woodlands? British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, 9th September 2010, Leeds, UK.
- Irwin, S., Kelly, D., Kelly, T., McCarthy, N., Mitchell, F., Coote, L., Oxbrough, A., Wilson, M., Martin, R., French, V., Fox, H., Sweeney, O., Moore, K. & O’Halloran, J. 2010. PLANFORBIO: Planning and management tools for biodiversity in a range of Irish Forests. EPA National Research Conference, 23 June 2010, Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin.
- Keady, S., O'Sullivan, B., Irwin, S. & O’Halloran, J. 2010. LASERBIO: The Applicability of Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Forest Biodiversity Assessment. EPA National Research Conference, 23 June 2010, CrokeParkConference Centre, Dublin. Poster Presentation. Keady et al 2010 Poster
- Kelly, T.C. 2010. Monitoring biodiversity in Irish Forests. Meeting of European National Forest Research Institutes. Dublin, July 2010.
- Martin, R., Oxbrough, A., Irwin, S. & O'Halloran, J. 2010. Canopy invertebrate biodiversity in various Irish forest types. 24th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB) - 'Conservation for a Changing Planet', Edmondon, Canada.
- Moore, K., Coote, L., Fraser, F.J.G. & Kelly, D.L. 2010. Factors influencing the ground-flora diversity of successive rotations of non-native conifer plantations. British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, 9th September 2010, Leeds, UK.
- O’Sullivan, B., Keady, S., Keane, E., Irwin, S. & O’Halloran, J. 2010. Datamining for biodiversity prediction in forests. 6th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems - PAIS 2010 (a sub conference of 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence - ECAI 2010),16-20 August 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Oxbrough, A., French, V., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. & O’Halloran, J. 2010. Spiders, beetles and moths in exotic plantations and native woodlands: indicators of forest biodiversity at stand and landscape scales. XXII IUFRO World Congress "Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and The Environment", 23-28 August 2010, Seoul, Korea.
- Oxbrough, A., French, V., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. and O’Halloran, J. Can highly managed forests support a diverse invertebrate fauna? Entomology Society of Alberta Annual Meeting, Lethbridge, Canada. 14-16thOctober, 2010.
- French, V., Oxbrough, A., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. & O'Halloran, J. 2009. Moth diversity in native woodlands and plantation forests. ENVIRON '09.
- Martin, R., Oxbrough, A., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. and O’ Halloran, J. 2009. Assessing the biodiversity of canopy arthropods in a range of forest types throughout Ireland. 2nd European Congress of Conservation Biology: Conservation biology and beyond: from science to practice, Prague.
- Sweeney., O.F.McD., Wilson, M.W., Kelly, T.C., Irwin, S. and O’Halloran, J. 2009. What differences exist between the bird communities of first and second rotation plantation forests?. 2nd European Congress of Conservation Biology: Conservation biology and beyond: from science to practice, Prague.
- Sweeney., O.F.McD., Wilson, M.W., Kelly, T.C., Irwin, S. and O’Halloran, J. 2009. Bird density and species richness in native and plantation woodlands in Ireland: what differences exist and why?. In: Keller, V. and O’Halloran, J. (eds) 7th Conference of the European Ornithologists' Union Abstracts, Swiss Ornithological Institute, Sempach, 152pp.
- O’Donoghue, B.G., O’Donoghue, T.A., Kelly, T.C. and O’Halloran, J. 2009. Over-wintering Hen harriers (Circus cyaneus) in Ireland. Raptor Research Foundation Annual Conference 2009, Pitlochry, Scotland. Poster Presentation.
- O'Donoghue. B.G., O'Donoghue, T.A., O'Halloran, J., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C., Oliver, G., O'Mahony, B. 2009. Hen Harrier breeding ecology in Ireland. ENVIRON '09.
- Oxbrough, A. 2009. Biodiversity indicators of ground-dwelling spiders in Irish plantation forsts and native woodlands. ERI Research Open Day, UCC, May 2009.
- Wilson, M. W., Cullen, C., O’Donoghue, B.G., Oliver, G., O’Mahony, B., Ryan, B., Troake, P., Irwin, S., Kelly, T. C. and O’Halloran, J. 2009. Habitat, nest site selection and breeding success of Hen Harriers in Ireland. Raptor Research Foundation Annual Conference 2009, Pitlochry, Scotland.
- Wilson, M. W., O’Mahony, B., Dell’Omo, G., Irwin, S., Kelly, T. C. and O’Halloran, J. 2009. GPS tracking of Hen Harriers (Circus cyaneus) using a novel system combining VHF and GPS. In : Keller, V. and O’Halloran, J. (eds) 7th Conference of the European Ornithologists' Union Abstracts, Swiss Ornithological Institute, Sempach, 152pp.
- Coote, L., Kelly, D.L., Kelly, T.C., Mitchell, F.J.G., Irwin, S., Oxbrough, A., Wilson, M., Martin, R., French, V., Fox, H., Sweeney, O., Moore, K., Neville, P., Keane, M. & O'Halloran, J. 2008. FORESTBIO. Irish Plant Scientists Association Meeting '08.
- Fox, H. & Kelly, D. 2008. Epiphyte diversity in native and plantation forests. ENVIRON '08.
- Martin, R., Kelly, T.C., Oxbrough, A., Wilson, M., Irwin, S. & O'Halloran, J. 2008. Assessing the biodiversity of canopy arthropods in a range of forest types. Postgraduate Ecology Forum '08.
- Moore, K., Coote, L., Fox, H., Vezeau, C., Mitchell, F. & Kelly, D.K. 2008. Ground flora diversity of Sitka spruce reforestation plantations in comparison with afforestation plantations in Ireland. ENVIRON '08
- Moore, K., Coote, L., Fox, H., Vezeau, C., Mitchell, F. & Kelly, D.K. 2008. Ground flora diversity of Sitka spruce reforestation plantations in comparison with afforestation plantations in Ireland. Irish Plant Scientists Association Meeting '08.
- Moore, K., Coote, L., Fox, H., Vezeau, C., Mitchell, F. & Kelly, D.K. 2008. Ground flora diversity of Sitka spruce reforestation plantations in comparison with afforestation plantations in Ireland. Postgraduate Ecology Forum '08
- O’Donoghue, B.G., O’Donoghue, T.A., Kelly, T.C. and O’Halloran, J. 2008. Non-breeding ecology of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland. Current Ornithological Research in Ireland: 5th Ornithological Research Conference, University College Cork, November 2008.
- O'Halloran, J., Kelly, D.K., Kelly, T., Mitchell, F., Giller, P.S., Iremonger, S. & Irwin, S. 2008. Forests and Biodiversity (BIOFOREST and PLANFORBIO). Environmental Research Conference '08.
- O'Halloran, J. 2008. Biodiversity of birds in Irish woodlands. Seminar Series Hillary Term, TCD.
- Oxbrough, A., Kelly, T., Irwin, S. & O'Halloran, J. 2008. Biodiversity indicators of ground-dwelling spiders in Irish plantation forests and native woodlands. Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems and Landscapes (IUFRO) conference, Thompson Rivers University, Canada.
- Sweeney, O., Wilson, M., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C. & O'Halloran, J. 2008. Bird diversity of Irish Woodlands. Postgraduate Ecology Forum '08.
- Sweeney, O., Wilson, M., Kelly, T.C., Irwin, S. and O’Halloran, J. 2008. Bird diversity and abundance in different stages of the forest cycle in first and second rotation plantation forests. Current Ornithological Research in Ireland: 5th Ornithological Research Conference, University College Cork, November 2008.
- Wilson, M. & Oxbrough, A. 2008. Forest biodiversity research in Ireland. Workshop presented to the Forest Service of Northern Ireland, December 2008.
- Wilson, M.W., Irwin, S., Norriss, D., Newton, S.F., Collins, K., Kelly, T.C. and O’Halloran, J. 2008. Habitat selection around nest sites by Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland. Current Ornithological Research in Ireland: 5th Ornithological Research Conference, University College Cork, November 2008.
- Martin, R., Kelly, T., Oxbrough, A., Wilson, M., Irwin, S. & O'Halloran, J. 2007. Assessing the biodiversity of canopy arthropods in a range of forest types. ENVIRON '08. Poster presentation. Martin 2007 Poster
- Martin, R., Kelly, T., Oxbrough, A., Wilson, M., Irwin, S. & O'Halloran, J. 2007. Assessing the biodiversity of canopy arthropods in a range of forest types. Forest Task Force Annual Workshop '07. Bialoweiza, Poland. Poster presentation. Martin 2007 Poster
- Sweeney, O., Kelly, T., Wilson, M., Irwin, S. & O'Halloran, J. 2007. What affects bird diversity in native and plantaton woodlands? ENVIRON '08. Poster presentation. Sweeney 2007 Poster
- Sweeney, O., Kelly, T., Wilson, M., Irwin, S. & O'Halloran, J. 2007. What affects bird diversity in native and plantaton woodlands? IEEM '07, Fprest Task Force Annual Workshop '07, Bialoweiza, Poland. Poster presentation. Sweeney 2007 Poster
- Sweeney, O., Kelly, T., Wilson, M., Irwin, S. & O'Halloran, J. 2007. What affects bird diversity in native and plantaton woodlands? IEEM '07. Poster presentation. Sweeney 2007 Poster
Theses (Click '+' to expand)
- Fuller, L. 2013. Invertebrate diversity in Irish and British forests. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.
- Newman, M. 2013. Woodland vegetation change through space and time: Impacts of large herbivores. PhD Thesis, Trinity College Dublin.
- Deady, R. 2013. The importance of brash from felling and thinning activity in Irish plantation forests for fungus gnats. MSc Thesis, University College Cork.
- Moore, K. A. 2012. Manipulation of vegetation succession in forestry and applications for sustainable forest management. PhD Thesis, Trinity College Dublin.
- Keady, S. 2011. Ground based LiDAR for forest biodiversity assessment. MSc Thesis, University College Cork.
- Martin, R. 2011. Canopy invertebrate biodiversity in a range of forest types. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.
- Daly, E. 2011. The impacts of grazing on plantation forests in Ireland. MSc Thesis, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
- Sweeney, O.F.McD. 2010. Bird assemblages of native woodlands and non-native plantations in Ireland. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.
- Matthews, A., 2010. Plant biodiversity management in Irish plantation forests. MSc Thesis, TrinityCollegeDublin.
- O'Donoghue, B.G. 2010. The ecology and conservation of Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus) in Ireland. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.
- Palmu, E. 2009. Initial effects of afforestation on ground beetles (Coleoptera: carbidae) in Irish grasslands and peatlands. MSc Thesis, Lunds University, Sweden (data collection and analysis carried out at UCC).
- Chauvigne, C. 2008. The ground-dwelling invertebrate communities of native Oak woodlands (Quercus sp.), pure plantation forest (Norway spruce (Picea abeis)) and mixed plantation forests (Norway spruce and oak). MSc Thesis, Ecole Sperieure d'Agriculture d'Angers.
- Daly, O.H. 2008. An investigation of the ground flora diversity of mixed forests. MSc Thesis, Trinity College Dublin
- Moore, K. 2007. Ground flora biodiversity of Sitka spruce reforestation plantations in comparison with afforestation plantations in Ireland. MSc Thesis, Trinity College Dublin
- Vezeau, C. 2007. Investigating the light regime over the forest development stages in second rotation Sitka spruce plantations in Ireland. Project from UREKA site Integrating Ecology and Evolution in a Changing World, Trinity College Dublin.
Woodland vegetation change through space and time: impacts of large herbivores