Planning and Management Tools for Biodiversity in a Range of Irish Forests
PLANFORBIO Forest Biodiversity Research Programme
Welcome to the homepage of the PLANFORBIO research programme.
This programme runs from 2007 until 2013 and is funded by the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. It aims to provide scientific research to underpin ecologically sustainable forest management in Ireland. For further information please click here and for details of research projects please click here.
This programme of research concluded at the end of 2013 and the findings were presented at the end of project workshop on Monday December 9th 2013. For further information on this event please click here.
Research Projects:
- FORESTBIO: Management of biodiversity in a range of Irish forest types
- RHODO: Achieveing effective Rhododendron control
- HENHARRIER: Optimum Scenarios for Hen Harrier conservation in Ireland
- BIOPLAN: Implementation of an assessment and monitoring programme for biodiversity in Irish and Scottish forests
Programme Partners
School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences,
University College Cork,
Enterprise Centre, Distillery Fields,
North Mall, Cork.
Department of Botany,
School of Natural Sciences,
Trinity College Dublin,
Dublin 2.
Department of Chemical & Life Sciences,
Waterford Institute of Technology,
Cork Road,
The Irish Forestry Board,
Co. Wicklow.
Forest Research UK,
Centre for Human and Ecological Sciences,
Forest Research, Alice Holt Lodge,
Farnham, Surrey, UK.
Programme Office
Dr. Sandra Irwin is the Programme Manager for the PLANFORBIO research programme. Her office is located at the Department of Zoology, Ecology & Plant Science, UCC.
This is located in the Enterprise Center at the University's east campus. To locate the building please see the campus map.