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Permit to Work

Permit to Work

The University permit to work system is a formal written procedure used to control (a) the activities of all contractors undertaking work of a physical nature (with fire \ safety risk potential) and (b) College \ School \ Department \ Centre \ Unit staff engaged in certain type of works i.e. work which is identified as hazardous (high risk) and where special precautions are necessary to control these hazards. It should be used for all, contractor activities and for University employees, who may be involved in hazardous high risk work situations (whether routine or non-routine or primarily of a non-routine nature).

The PTW is a means of regulating their entry and presence in a pre-agreed fashion/area to execute an agreed tasks in an area which is legally controlled by UCC. The movement of MEWPS and specified categories of large vehicles and trailered vehicles on any / all UCC property/ UCC controlled sites is to be strictly controlled by a Permit to Work.

This PTW should only be signed off when the contractor fills in sufficient detail on our permit form to identify to us the risks they are bringing to UCC and only signed off/ UCC approved when we are happy with the UCC relevant impacts of the when and how of the job and we buy in to the timing and method of access and impacts on our premises and operations and people.  

All routine and non-routine high risk work undertaken by College \ School \ Department \ Centre \ Units or by Buildings and Estates  direct staff/labour and /, shall be controlled by a permit to work issued and controlled by the relevant management ( duty holders for the work of their staff) following RA and application of appropriate risk controls to mitigate the risk and or reduced the exposed population.

As part of an agreement with the H.S.A relating to an undertaking for lifting a prohibition imposed by the HSA following a fatal accident involving a MEWP at UCC, The movement of MEWPS and specified categories of large vehicles and trailered vehicles on any / all UCC property/ UCC controlled sites is to be strictly controlled by a Permit to Work in accordance with provisions identical to that contained in B&E SOP 18 for the Movement of Vehicles ( at UCC).

When contractors are crossing any part of the campus that is not ring-fenced for their use, then they are on UCC premises and work permit scenario does apply.

Activities taking place within UCC subsidiaries, e.g. in the Student Centre, the Mardyke Arena, or Campus Accommodation, are subsidiary responsibilities.  However, if subsidiaries are bringing equipment across any University grounds then they need to work closely with Buildings and Estates in relation to the issuing of work permits, etc

Please follow the link to the permit to work excel form - Permit to Work 

Permit to Work Summary

PTW Summary

  1. PTW is a long standing UCC safety and risk control requirement for hiring entities to anticipate, adequately plan for and manage the physical work activities of contractors and the movement of large vehicles (contemporaneous deliveries or otherwise undertaken).
  2. Local School/Dept. management must discharge the PTW requirement whenever they directly engage or arrange for a contractor to carry out work in the School (this would/should include servicing of lab or workshop equipment and large vehicle deliveries).
  3. Buildings & Estates/facilities will undertake permits to work requirements for their own work, i.e. the projects/activities which they (B&E/facilities) 100% directly manage and control.



  • The permit to work for the contractors activity must include a site and tasks specific RA and appropriate controls and it may need supporting route drawings and an A-Z sequence.
  • Local management mgt should ensure a person who has completed the RA training or managing h&s training (which includes RA) prepares the PTW. Alternatively they could consider engaging a consultant such as those which B&E frequently use on their construction and maintenance work. They could assist with the generation of a site and task specific PTW for the contractors activity. Local management would still be the approver/issuer (as it is their project & responsibility).
  • Local management should generate a separate permit to work for deliveries via large vehicles or trailered vehicles including removal operations. B&E/facilities management must undertake similarly for their work.
  • A competent contractor needs to be engaged and they should have up to date safety statements, current test certification on all of their equipment and trained staff (current certs etc), with appropriate insurance cover (valid and in-date).

Mobile Elevated Work Platform - MEWP

The big emphasis is on advanced and complete Risk Assessment by the supervisor / manager, preplanning all aspects of the route to and from, pre-planned movement zones, avoidance through use of vehicle mounted hoists as 1st choice as opposed to counter balanced MEWPS (the later have inherent blind spots), segregation/ delivery into a secure site out of hours, still using a banksman/signaller.

Segregation of pedestrians, and vehicle/MEWP traffic. Signallers to not walk or stand in front of or behind the MEWP at any time

If the MEWP has to be moved then it should be at low tide times ( low footfall) and then from one secure zone to another securely cordoned off  zone.  Designated Signaller (or 2 signallers depending on risk assessment) to have a RED tabard. Use of radio controlled communication between signaller and MEWP operator/driver, confined to small trained team such as in B&E.

Emphasis on driver to stop MEWP movement if he ever lose sight of signaller ( signaller should stand away anyway). Back up use of agreed hand signals (per SOP). MEWP driver wear to drive safely and slowly and with optimum vision, wearing all designated PPE including short lanyard attached to the hoist cage ( except when/if working over water). No mobile phones to be used. Pre use checks on the MEWP before use each day.

No driving of or delivery of MEWPS on Public roads external to UCC or between UCC sites.

Other potential vehicle signallers such as UCC security and B&E operative have now separately completed a vehicle signaller course. (sourced by UCC – delivered by an ex traffic Corp Garda)

MEWP movement and other high risk vehicle movements are to be under the additional control of a PTW (which has inbuilt RA within the UCC PTW form already).

Large Vehicles and trailered vehicles - Enhanced Large Vehicle Safety Measures (Avoidance firstly)

As an additional UCC control, the delivery/movement of other large construction type vehicles or scheduled large vehicle deliveries, are now restricted at UCC AFARP. These are to operate via a UCC Permit to Work from the UCC department involved, with advance route planning for same, where these are controlled by UCC and especially where reversing may be envisaged. The big emphasis is on drive through routing and use of small vehicles.

Health & Safety Office

Sláinte agus Sábháilteacht

5 Carrigside, College Road, Cork
