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Formal Launch of North Main Street Study

10 Nov 2016
North Main Street Planning Study Report

The Centre for Planning Education and Research is pleased to announce the formal launch of the North Main Street Area Planning Study 2016 on Tuesday November 15th in St. Peter’s, North Main Street at 6.00pm. The launch will be attended by the city’s Lord Mayor, Cllr Des Cahill and the city’s Chief Executive, Ann Doherty, as well as representatives from the University, the wider business and political communities, and from the local stakeholders.  It will include a brief introduction to the project by the Traders’ Association, as well as a presentation by staff and postgraduate students from UCC’s Planning School. The report can be downloaded here North Main Street Planning Study.


This project was is an innovative collaboration in city regeneration, involving a comprehensive assessment of the historic quarter’s specific challenges as well as identifying a strategic planning response to secure its renewal.

The Study includes a new strategy designed to renew and enhance the city’s historic quarter, and proposes a range of interventions/ and actions. A key outcome of the work is a proposed re-definition of this important area as a distinctive urban quarter for Cork City Centre - which combines its role as a location for living, shopping and recreation/tourism.  An overall planning-based approach has been put forward, reflecting the long term aspirations of stakeholders in the area. This initiative will be a catalyst for a renewed attention being given to North Main Street and to provide a fresh approach to the area’s ongoing regeneration.

The project formed part of the formal teaching programme of UCC’s M.Plan Programme (Masters in Planning and Sustainable Development) which aims to provide students with a real-world planning challenge as part of their teaching and learning.  Staff and students have worked closely with the traders’ Traders’ Association in the completion of the study, who were keen to instigate a process of revitalisation in the area.

The launch will be attended by the city’s Lord Mayor, Cllr Des Cahill and the city’s Chief Executive, Ann Doherty, as well as representatives from the University, the wider business and political communities, and from the local stakeholders.  It will include a brief introduction to the project by the Traders’ Association, as well as a presentation by staff and postgraduate students from UCC’s Planning School. 


Centre for Planning Education & Research

UCC Connolly Complex Mardyke Parade Cork
