Vacancy - Post Doctoral Researcher in the area of AI for resource management , School of Computer Science and Information Technology, UCC
One Post-Doctoral position is available in the area of AI for resource management (24 months)
This position provides an excellent opportunity to join a dynamic and inclusive research team at University College Cork (UCC), working within the large-scale national CONNECT research centre, and under the supervision of well-known academics in the area of AI for resource management.
The School of Computer Science & Information Technology (CSIT) at UCC is part of four major Irish SFI-funded research centres, including CONNECT, the Centre for Future Networks & Communications. We are now looking to fill a Post-Doctoral position on a Horizon Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking Project called CLEVER to participate in our vibrant research community here at CSIT.
The CLEVER project’s overall aim is propose a series of innovations that revolutionize the ability of edge computing platforms to operate in a federated manner, leveraging sparse resources that are coordinated to create a powerful pool of resources, especially for massive Internet of Things (mIoT) or massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC). UCC’s role is firstly to create a trust framework for system elements and for data processing, and secondly a solution that uses AI-inspired methodologies for prediction and placement of edge workload.
Applicants are invited from those with a Ph.D. qualification and publications in a directly relevant area such as Resource Management, Machine Learning and Cloud Computing. Ideally, applicants should have experience of working in the IT industry or collaborating with companies on research projects.
The appointee will be expected to make significant contributions to the research agenda of the CLEVER project, working closely with the Principal Investigators Professors Sreenan, Brown, Dr. Zahran and with academic and industry collaborators. We welcome applications of researchers with an established publication track record, appropriate to their career stage. In line with our Athena SWAN ambitions we especially encourage women to apply for these positions.
Project Title: Collaborative edge-cLoud continuum and Embedded AI for a Visionary industry of thE futuRe (CLEVER)
Post Duration: 24 Months
Salary: €42,031 - €48,427 p.a. (IUA PD1 Salary Scale)
For an information package including further details of the post see
Informal enquiries can be made in confidence to Prof. Cormac Sreenan, School of Computer Science & IT, Email:
Applications must be submitted online via the University College Cork vacancy portal ( Queries relating to the online application process should be referred to, quoting the job-title and project name.
Candidates should apply, in confidence, before 12 noon (Irish Local Time) on Thursday 6th July 2023. No late applications will be accepted.
Please note that an appointment to posts advertised will be dependent on University approval, together with the terms of the employment control framework for the higher education sector.
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