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Dr Niall O’Leary invited to speak at EU meeting in Beijing

27 Oct 2017
Delegates at the European Commission – National Science Foundation of China meeting, Beijing.

At the invitation of the European Commission organisers, Dr Niall O’Leary delivered a presentation on the European State of the Art in the field of microbial degradation of plastics.

The European Commission – National Science Foundation of China meeting was held to discuss future collaboration between the EU and China in the area of plastics biodegradation. The meeting sought to foster collaborative opportunities for upcoming calls in the Biotechnology area of the  Horizon 2020 Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) programme.  The specific calls discussed were CE-BIOTEC 04: New biotechnologies for environmental remediation (RIA) and  CE-BIOTEC 05: Microorganism communities for plastics biodegradation.  The meeting was attended by 20 EU and 20 Chinese experts in the areas of bioremediation and plastics degradation. 

School of Microbiology

Scoil na Micribhitheolaíochta

Microbiology Office, Room FSB452, 4th Floor Food Science & Technology Building, University College Cork, Cork T12 Y337
