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Staff Resources

Student Nominated Awards

Staff Induction Handbook

Induction Checklist Microbiology

Staff Induction Handbook


Microbiology School Research Staff Forum (MICRO.SCRUM)

Micro.SCRUM is a peer-to-peer support network for Research Assistants, Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Fellows. Micro.SCRUM organise forum meetings, coffee mornings, bi-annual social events to promote information, knowledge & skills transfer and publicise School research activities

Contact Dr Stephen Jackson at E: for further information

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Unit in University College Cork

Human Resources Policy Portal

Department of Human Resources with links to relevant policies including Staff Leave Policies, Family Friendly Policies, Wellbeing & Development, Work Permits, Promotions and Performance Development

Academic Policy and Document Portal

The Policy Portal provides access, via a single location, to policies on EDI, Health, Wellbeing and Disability, Exams, Teaching, Research, University Asets and other supporting documents which deal with the administration of the academic affairs of the University.

Health and Safety

UCC Health and Safety Office

School of Microbiology SharePoint for Safety, Health and Welfare at work (Microbiology Internal access only)


What to do in case of an emergency?

The UCC EMERGENCY Contact line - 24 hours – Ext.* 3111 or lift the red emergency phone handset in the stairwell [for all emergency services]

 * If calling from a mobile: + 021 4903111


Emergency graphic

Need more help?

The UCC website,, uses a built-in search function to allow you to search for content on the UCC website, much like you would using Google or Yahoo. In fact, the UCC search function is based on Google's search engine. Use the UCC SEARCH tool to look for specific information, people or courses on the UCC website (as seen in the screen grab below):




Students can also use the ASK UCC service, this is a centralised online help tool for all student queries about registration, exams, IT services and more.

School of Microbiology

Scoil na Micribhitheolaíochta

Microbiology Office, Room FSB452, 4th Floor Food Science & Technology Building, University College Cork, Cork T12 Y337
