News and Events
Alimentary Health Ltd Win Best Irish Pharmacy Product

Alimentary Health was spun out of UCC in 1999 on the back of strong intellectual property developed by a team of microbiologists who identified a bacterial strain with potential health benefits.
Following positive clinical trials this strain is now sold under P&G’s brand Align® in the US and Canada and Alimentary Health launched their own brand Alflorex® into the Irish market in February 2014.
Alflorex is a supplement that contains the patented and unique PrecisionBiotic™ B. infantis 35624. B. infantis 35624 is a precision strain which goes to work only where it is needed. This strain has been demonstrated to be safe and to reduce abdominal pain, bloating/distension and passage of gas in clinical studies with patients suffering from a range of digestive problems. Alflorex® has been very successful in its first year and we have had excellent feedback from consumers who tell us that they really feel the benefit.
Alimentary Health’s mission has always been to improve the health of people through use of clinically proven safe technologies and as part of this the company has partnered in 2015 with TV3 to sponsor a new Health information slot called “Gut Check” , providing educational content for common digestive health issues and which aims to get Irish people talking about them.
Alimentary Health has become an internationally recognised innovator in the development and commercialisation of precision probiotics and pharmabiotic technologies for gastrointestinal disorders. The company has a busy year ahead with the launch of several new products, in Ireland and hopefully other territories. The first of these Alflorex® Children’s contains the same PrecisionBiotic™ B. infantis 35624 formulated particularly for kids.