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Future Humanities Institute – Seed-Funding Call

This Seed-Funding Scheme will provide support for humanities and arts-led, interdisciplinary research initiatives that have the potential to be developed into full-scale funded projects. Proposed projects should align with the mission and vision of the Future Humanities Institute, which aims to

  • drive research excellence and innovation by bringing humanities and arts methodologies to bear on pressing social, cultural, environmental and technological challenges, both local and global
  • foster creative, inclusive and transformative interdisciplinarity grounded in humanities and arts methodologies
  • deepen and transform our understanding of the place and role of the human

Under this scheme, seed-funding should be used to

  1. identify a research opportunity (including possible funding agencies and schemes)
  1. develop a vision or concept for interdisciplinary collaboration that may include UCC internal, national and international networking
  2. develop a research plan
  3. awardees will be required to showcase their initiative at the Future Humanities Institute launch event in autumn 2023 and to submit a report of activities conducted under the scheme.

Applications are welcome in the full range of interdisciplinary research areas including, but not limited to, medical humanities, intersectional humanities, and history and heritage. Applicants whose projects align with the aims and remit of one of the three existing Future Humanities Research clusters, Eco-Humanities, Digital Cultures, New Media and Cultural Analytics, and Arts Research and Practice Cluster, are encouraged to discuss their proposal with the relevant cluster lead before submission.*

Applicants may apply for up to €3000. Up to up 4 awards will be made.

Full details, conditions and application forms can be found here

Future Humanities Institute

Institiúid na nDaonnachtaí Feasta

O’Rahilly Building ORB 2.20.,
