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Arts Research & Practice Cluster

The Arts Research & Practice Cluster brings together researchers from across the university to explore interarts methods and theories and partner on new projects.  The primary interface between the Future Humanities Institute and the Centre for Arts Research and Practice , this cluster looks to build on existing strengths in critical arts research, leverage the radical potential of arts practice research, and feed these two sides into interdisciplinary projects that push the state of the art and generate internationally excellent outputs -- including groundbreaking non-traditional research ouputs.  The cluster will be a primary point of contact for developing individual and collaborative grant concepts into funded national and international projects.  Finally, the cluster will develop community-engaged research projects that bring local resources to bear in attending to global questions.

Please contact any one of our co-conveners to get involved.

Co-conveners: Danny Denton (Creative Writing), J. Griffith Rollefson (Music), Briony Supple (Education)

Future Humanities Institute

Institiúid na nDaonnachtaí Feasta

O’Rahilly Building ORB 2.20.,
