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HRB Ones2Watch 2021
Congratulations to Jennifer Pallin and Katarzyna Gajewska who were selected as finalists for the 2021 HRB Ones2Watch Competition. Jennifer and Kate were two of the four selected finalists who had their videos showcased at the HRB Ones2Watch conference on the 7th October.
About the HRB Ones2 Watch Competition
The HRB Ones2Watch competition is open to early to mid-career HRB funded researchers and provides them with the opportunity to showcase their research to the wider public.
Kate spoke about her research examining the accessibility of diabetes technology across Ireland in this video. Kate has highlighted inequalities in the availability of insulin pump therapy across Ireland, and heterogeneity in its uptake. She also described a few of the main reasons responsible for the unequal access to specialist type 1 diabetes care necessary to provide insulin pump therapy for those living with diabetes: inadequate resources, distance, healthcare professionals attitudes towards pumps, and awareness. Watch the video below:
Jennifer went on to win competition when she won the votes of her peers and journalist judges at the conference when her video animation was showcased. Through her video, Jennifer outlined the importance of annual diabetic foot screening to prevent diabetic foot ulceration and amputation. She also outlined how her research will focus on increasing accessibility of diabetic foot screening by exploring the feasibility of introducing foot screening into the retinal screening setting. Her video can be watched below: