Current Students

Undergraduate Degrees
Postgraduate Degrees
Taught Masters
Over the past fifty years, the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at UCC has established an international reputation for the continued outstanding quality of its professional electrical engineering graduates. Of key importance is the breadth of our Bachelors of Engineering (BE) Honours Degree CK605 program which equips all our graduates with the necessary skills to adapt to the most recent advances in technology and flourish in a rapidly changing technologically dependent world. This maximizes the graduate’s employability and gives them the best career options of any graduate, ensuring that as a CK605 graduate one is the first to be sought given cycling national economies. The BE (Electrical and Electronic) degree program is accredited by Engineers Ireland and is thereby recognized by all international professional engineering accrediting bodies including the IEEE and the IET (formerly IEE).
Click here for a list of downloadable public presentations given by EEE staff.