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Climatt project flyer

20 Sep 2017

We have been making some aesthetic changes to our web site and Twitter account @ClimAtt_Project. ClimAtt is a dynamic project and we are working constantly to study the human influence in the extreme weather events in Ireland.

We are increasing our media presence day by day, in order to reach scientists and also the general public. We hope to communicate the objectives of the project as well as the progress, results and current events and news.

We will be perfoming studies of the extent of anthropogenic climate change influence on extreme weather events, so that this information can be used for taking objective and effective adaptation and mitigation measures. This is even more important because islands are being particularly impacted by human warming.

The new ClimAtt project flyer offers an overview of the project. It can be downloaded from here: Flyer_ClimAtt_Project

The ClimAtt logo represents the identity of the project: a swirl combining green and grey colours. The message we want to transmit with this logo is dual. Firstly, the complexity of the climate system,  the chaotic nature of the atmosphere, and the combination of dynamic and thermodynamic factors all influence specific extreme weather events. Secondly, it is necessary to evaluate and interpret all the pieces of this complex world of interactions in order to obtain robust estimates of the human influence on extreme weather events. This is done by comparing the actual world (factual) with another world scenario without human impact (counterfactual).

This project has been made possible through a grant awarded by the Environmental Protection Agency.

If you would like printed copies of the flyer, please contact us . We particularly welcome enquiries from schools.


Climate Change Attribution of Extreme Weather Events
