Dr Fidelma Butler
Contact Details:
- School of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences
- f.butler@ucc.ie
- 353 21 490 4648
Fidelma Butler is an ecologist with experience in applied ecological issues ranging from road infrastructure, forestry and agriculture, invasive species to native species conservation. Fidelma has collaborated with Fota wildlife park on a range of topics and together with Amy Haigh and Ruth Ramsay, has investigated the use of a managed park as a refuge for wild red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris), using Fota as a study site. This populatopn of red squirrels has also been the subject of a number of final year BSc projects at Fota. Other little-known species such as the native coccinellids (ladybirds) form the basis of current work with Fota Wildlife Park seeking practical management solutions to wild species management. Gill Weyman is pursuing a PhD on this topic. Fidelma has also supervised the MSc research project of Jiawei Zhang, South China Normal University, investigating the effect of visitors on Humboldt penguins at Fota.