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How to Use the Database

The Traveller Law Database provides searchable case law for both Irish and International decisions relating to Travellers.   


The homepage contains a table of all the cases in the database, automatically displayed from most recently added at the top.   





Filters and Search 

Search - You can search through all the cases in the database via the search bar on the top right. Type in keywords around the facts or precedent you are searching for. 

Filter Case Year - Click on this to see a drop-down list of all the years of cases in the database. Click on a year to filter the cases to only this year. 

Filter Keywords  - Click on this to see a drop-down list of all the keywords cases are tagged with in the database. Select a keyword to only view cases with that word. 


Viewing More Cases 


Above the table of cases, you can click to adjust how many cases are displayed on each page. 

Table Sorting 


At the top of the table of cases there are headings of each column. Clicking on each heading will sort the table of cases differently. 

Case Title – Click to view cases from A-Z or Z-A. 

Case Year – Click to view cases in ‘Most recent’ or ‘Least recent order’. 

Decision Making Body - Click to view courts from A-Z or Z-A. 


Selecting a Case



Within the table, you can either click on the name of a case or click ‘read more’, to view a full summary of the case. 

Page Content 

On each case summary page there is a button at the top and bottom to return to the homepage of the database.

Each case summary will contain a table listing the date of the decision, decision making body, what law is applied, and what keywords the case includes.


Download the Judgment 

To download a full copy of the judgment – click on the blue writing in the table that states ‘Full Case Details – Download Full Judgment (pdf).  

Comments and Errors 

If you have spotted any errors in the database, have any comments or want to recommend a case, you can do so in this form here.

