Get Involved

Is your business interested in sustainability and climate action? Are you interested in shaping real systems change across your organisation and industry? If so, we want to hear from you.
The Sustainable Futures project aims to develop and deliver a suite of academic and bespoke training programmes around Sustainability in Enterprise. In order to respond to industry needs and challenges this will be done through a process of enterprise informed curriculum development. Over the next year, the Sustainable Futures team will engage with our industry partners to gather requirements in relation to; understanding sustainability challenges and opportunities, embedding sustainability practices across organisations, understanding and responding to climate action regulation and to make sustainability commercially relevant to business.
The process of enterprise informed curriculum development requires engagement with enterprises across a range of industries. This engagement will include a mix of company surveys, in depth interviews, skills mapping workshops, sustainability seminars and information sessions on site. The level of time and input you or your company can give is flexible and we are happy to work within the time/resources available to you.
To partner with us or for more information on the Sustainable Futures project please contact:
Tanya Fitzgerald – Enterprise Liaison Officer at: Email: Tel: 087 9438355