Steven Keady
Name | Address | Position | Telephone | |
Steven Keady | Dept. of Zoology, Ecology & Plant Science, University College Cork, |
MSc Research Student | 353 (0)21 490 4676 | |
Steven graduated from University College Cork in 2001 with a BSc in Computer Science. He then took on a Technical Support role in industry. He returned to UCC in the year 2002 and graduated in 2003 with an MSc in Multimedia Technology. Since then he has worked as an information and communication technologies engineer, a software quality engineer and in other capacities. The research carried out by Steven under the 'Management for biodiversity in a range of Irish forest types' (FORESTBIO) project of the 'Planning and Management Tools for Biodiversity in a Range of Irish Forests' (PLANFORBIO) research programme will investigate the feasibility of using terreestrial laser scanning in forest biodiversity assessment through recording forest structure and deadwood distriibution and relating this information to forest biodiversity being measured by other FORESTBIO team members.
- O’Sullivan, B., Keady, S., Irwin, S. & O’Halloran, J. 2010. Datamining for biodiversity prediction in forests. 6th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems - PAIS 2010 (a sub conference of 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence - ECAI 2010),16-20 August 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. PDF
- Keady, S., O’Sullivan, Irwin, S. & O’Halloran, J. 2010. LASERBIO: The Applicability of Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Forest Biodiversity Assessment. EPA National Research Conference, 23 June 2010, Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin. Poster Presentation. PDF