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Systematic Reviews

James P, Worthington HV, Parnell C, Harding M, Lamont T, Cheung A, Whelton H, Riley P. Chlorhexidine mouthrinse as an adjunctive treatment for gingival health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD008676. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008676.pub2. 

Parnell C, Gugnani N, Sherriff A, James P, Beirne PV. Non-fluoride topical remineralising agents containing calcium and/or phosphate for controlling dental caries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD009732. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009732 

James P, Parnell C, Whelton H. (2010) The caries-preventive effect of chlorhexidine varnish in children and adolescents: A systematic review. Caries Research, 44 (4):333-340.

Peer-Reviewed Papers

O'Mullane D, James P, Whelton H, Parnell C. (2012) Methodological issues in oral health research: intervention studies. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 40:15-20.

Nishi M, Harding M, Kelleher V, Whelton H, Allen F. (2017) Knowledge of caries risk factors/indicators among Japanese and Irish adult patients with different socio-economic profiles: a cross-sectional study BMC Oral Health, 17 (55):1-10.

Other Publications

Conference Presentations 

P James, M Harding, H Whelton (2017). Estimating dental hygienist clinical activity for policy planning. [Poster presentation]. IADR/AADR/CADR General Session and Exhibition, San Francisco, California. 

H. Whelton, M. Harding, P. James, T. Beecher, H. Guiney (2017). Effectiveness of water fluoridation at 0.7ppm. [Oral presentation]. IADR/AADR/CADR General Session and Exhibition, San Francisco, California. 

Harding M, James P, Beecher T, Guiney H, Whelton H (2016). Less caries (D3vcMFT) in 12-year-old children with domestic water fluoridation in the Republic-of-Ireland (RoI) [Oral presentation]. 21st Congress of the European Association of Dental Public Health, Budapest. 

P James, M Harding, H Whelton (2016). A sad tail. Frequency distribution of dental caries in 11-13 year-olds. [Oral Presentation, O’Mullane Prize Winner]. Irish Society of Dentistry for Children Annual Conference, Lucan, Co. Dublin. 

P James, M Harding, Fox F, Kelleher V, H Whelton (2016). Electronic Health Records; Putting Children’s Oral Health on the Map [Oral Presentation], IADR Annual Research Day, Cork. 

H Whelton, T Beecher, MA Harding, P James, C Parnell, M Tuohy, D O’Mullane, H Guiney, M Cronin (2015). Use of fluoridated consumer products in a fluoridated country. [Oral Presentation]. IADR/AADR/CADR General Session and Exhibition, Boston, Massachusetts. 

P James, T Beecher, M Harding, H Whelton (2014) Translating research documents for legislative compliance and participation. [Poster Presentation], IADR PER, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 

T Beecher, MA Harding, P James, H Whelton (2014) Exposure of Irish school children to domestic water fluoridation. [Poster Presentation], IADR/PER Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 

Whelton H, Beecher T, Cronin M, Harding M, James P, Parnell C, Tuohy M (2013) FACCT: Fluoride and Caring for Children's Teeth. [Poster Presentation], IADR Irish Division, Cork, Ireland. 

P James and H Whelton (2009) Chlorhexidine varnish for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents [Poster presentation], IADR Irish Division, Limerick, Ireland. 

P James, C Parnell, H Whelton (2008) Caries risk assessment in the Public Dental Service in Ireland: Pilot Results [Poster presentation]. IADR 86th General Session and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada.


Oral Health Services Research Centre

University Dental School & Hospital, Wilton, Cork, Ireland, T12 E8YV.
