UCC Rainbow Alliance - Allies Scheme

On this Page
Become an Ally of the LGBT+ Community in UCC
We use the term LGBT+ at UCC to represent all sexual and gender identities as we know some people don’t want to be defined by a particular label. We also know lots of our colleagues who do not identify as LGBT+ ask how they can help and support the network so we’ve come up with some tips:
- Get to know the things that matter to your LGBT+ colleagues. This could be the language that you use or taking into account their experiences and what can be done to change the culture around you.
- Sign up for one of the training sessions offered in the university on LGBT+ awareness.
- Make clear visible statements about the importance of LGBT+ equality to you and your team/organisation. Making this public commitment helps all of your colleagues to understand that this isn’t just a box ticking exercise.
- If you hear comments, language or jokes around you that you feel are inappropriate then as a member of the UCC Rainbow Alliance we’d like you to speak up. If saying something to the person concerned isn’t an option then please let us know so we can support you to deal with it in the future.
- Most importantly be yourself. We want colleagues around the university to know that LGBT+ equality isn’t something you’re doing because you have to it’s because you want to and it matters to all our staff and students.
Sign-up to the UCC Rainbow Alliance
To join the UCC Rainbow Alliance, all we need from you is your Name and Email address. By giving us this information we will add you to the alliance mailing list and arrange to send out an Ally pack. Don’t worry, only the committee has sight of who the membership of the list is. Any member of the alliance can send an email to the entire mailing list by sending a single email to UCCRAINBOWALLIANCE@LISTS.UCC.IE, and it is a great way to stay in touch and share information with others in the UCC Rainbow Alliance.
If you want to know more, would like to recieve our Ally pack, or would like to be included in the UCC Rainbow Alliance mailing list, please send an email to lgbtnetwork@ucc.ie with your name and email address and we will get in touch directly.
Or you can sign yourself up automatically. Simply open this email, replacing "forename" and "surname" in the body of the email with your own forename and surname. Then simply hit send, and you'll be all signed up.
We will keep the names and email addresses of all eligible members on the list until they ask to be removed.
UCC Proud Ally Student Network
If you're a UCC student, find out more and sign up to the Proud Ally Student Network.
UCC Rainbow Alliance Launch Gallery of Photos
During Equality Week 2019, the LGBT+ Staff Network launched the new UCC Rainbow Alliance. All UCC staff were invited to this event. Mary O'Rourke, Chair of the LGBT+ Staff network launched the scheme with the President and the Deputy President & Registrar, and the guest speaker was Dónal Óg Cusack, Irish hurling coach, selector and former player. (Photos by Tomás Tyner, UCC)