Annual Conference
Registration now open for the annual UCC Law and the Environment Conference 2024
This year’s conference will take place on Thursday 25th April, and will consider the theme ‘Rights, Remedies and Restoration in Environmental and Natural Resources Law’
The School of Law, University College Cork will host the 20th annual Law and the Environment Conference on 25th April, which will focus on various forms of environmental rights (broadly understood) that may be asserted in law and on the full range of remedies and redress that may be available where such rights are infringed or impacted.
The event will cover a broad range of rights and remedies and will include a very extensive programme of Irish and international speakers who will present on relevant developments in such fields as Climate Litigation and Remedies, Renewable Energy Development, Children and Environmental Rights, Nature Conservation, Heritage Protection, and the new Planning and Development Bill. It aims to cover issues of concern to an ever-wider community of environmental actors, stakeholders and interested parties and, to this end, will also include additional specialist sessions on Marine Environment Law, Disaster Risk Governance, Transnational Environmental Law and Governance, Strategic Environmental Litigation, and Environmental Compliance, amongst others.
The conference will seek to highlight key developments providing for more effective compliance, redress, remediation and enforcement in environmental law, which might serve to improve modern environmental regulation and governance for the benefit of all.
Enquiries should be directed to the Conference Convenor, Prof Owen McIntyre,
Tel. +353-87-2861055
Full programme available here:
Programme - 20th Annual Law & the Environment Conference (2024)
Registration is now open for this year’s conference, which will be of particular interest to policy-makers and regulators, regulated operators, the environmental NGO community, advocacy professionals in the field of environmental rights, and Irish (and overseas) academic researchers and professionals.
Cost: Conference (including lunch, tea / coffee and conference materials):
Early-bird rate (by 2nd April 2024) Single delegate: €225
Early-bird rate (by 2nd April 2024) Two delegates: €400
Single delegate (Standard rate): €275
Two delegates (standard rate): €450 (Further reductions available for multiple delegates)
Academics: €175
NGOs: €150
Newly qualified solicitors / barristers (less than five years): €175
This event is free of charge for UCC students, who are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Click here for online registration
For more information, please contact / or 021 490 2224
For any payment queries, please contact