Dementia Education Programme begins national and local roll out

The PREPARED (Primary Care Education, Pathways and Research into Dementia) project has developed and released a range of web based resources for GPs and primary care health care professionals. These resources, including clinical guidelines, care pathways, supports and services directories and educational and training initiatives can be accessed on The PREPARED team is also delighted to announce that, with a small team of expert GP faciliators with an interest in dementia working across the country (Dublin, Cork and Waterford), that their programme of dementia workshops for GPs is now up and running. The workshops are CPD accredited and can be run on site for GPs in their own practice. Initial feedback from attendees on the value of the workshops has been overwhelmingly positive. If you are a GP and are interested in knowing more about the project, or wish to schedule a workshop session for you and your practice, please contact the PREPARED team!
The PREPARED (Primary Care Education, Pathways and Research into Dementia) project has developed and released a range of web based resources for GPs and primary care health care professionals. These resources, including cliinical guidelines, care pathways, supports and services directories and educational and training initiatives can be accessed on The PREPARED team is also delighted to announce that, with a small team of expert GP facilitators woth an interest in dementia working across the country (first phase: Greater Dublin, and Cork and Waterford counties), that their programme of dementia workshops for GPs are now up and running. The workshops are CPD accredited and can be run on site for GPs in their own practice. Initial feedback from attendees on the value of the workshops has been overwhelmingly positive. If you are a GP and are interested in knowing more about the project or wish to schedule a workshop session for you and your practice, please contact the PREPARED team!
Further work initiatives that are underway include continued collaboration with the ICGP on a suite of e-learning modules on dementia in primary care, the development of content of CME small group sessions on demenita for GPs and the development of a UCC-accredited dementia module as part of the Department of General Practice suite of CPD modules for GPs. The PREPARED team is also working with HSE primary and social care staff on the development and roll out of facilitated training and education sessions on demenita care for the wider Primary Care Team.
PRimary care Education, Pathways And REseach in Dementia (PREPARED)
Funded by the Health Service Executive and The Atlantic Philanthropies as part of Ireland's National Dementia Strategy Implementation Programme (2014-2018)
The PREPARED project is led by Dr Tony Foley (Lecturer in General Practice at UCC and GP at Kinsale Medical Centre, Cork)
Dr Tony Foley, Lecturer in the Department of General Practice and GP in Kinsale:
Ms Katherine Thackeray, Dementia Project Manager (021 4205557):
Ms Siobhan Boyle, Research Support Officer (021 4205596):
Dr Aisling Jennings, GP Researcher/PhD candidate (021 4205597):