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Newsletter June 2021

27 Jul 2021
The Lough, Cork, Ireland (Photo L. Hermida).

Welcome to the tenth edition of the UN Environment Programme GEMS/Water Capacity Development Centre (CDC) newsletter.

Despite the great hopes that the new year 2021 brought for the new phase of GEMS/Water in Cork and trusting that the pandemic would remit soon, it seems that the Covid-19 has arrived to stay. We are trying to adapt to these new extraordinary circumstances, and we are still working remotely while looking forward to being fully vaccinated without forgetting all the protective and preventing measures to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and healthy.

Moreover, with travel restrictions still in place, we are unable to carry out any face-to-face training such as workshops or meet with some of our partners. All the activities of the Centre, are still being fully delivered online to the best of our abilities.

This newsletter is also special because it is the last one where Dr Deborah Chapman will have a major input because she will be retiring in September and has handed over the role of Director of the Centre to Dr Timothy Sullivan. However, this is not a goodbye. Dr Deborah Chapman is still an extraordinarily valuable member of the UNEP GEMS/Water CDC team and will continue to work as Deputy Director until October and as an Advisor after that. There have been also some other changes in the staff of the centre, which you can read about in this newsletter.

Despite all the challenges over the last six months, we are proud to say that we still manage to run a good number of activities. You can read about all of them in the Newsletter June 2021.

We hope you enjoy it and we look forward to hearing from you and meeting you again soon.

UNEP GEMS/Water Capacity Development Centre

UNEP GEMS/Ionad Forbartha Acmhainneachta Uisce

Environmental Research Institute, Ellen Hutchins Building, University College Cork
