Sustainable Development Goal 6.3.2

SDG Indicator 6.3.2 for Water Quality
The GEMS/Water programme is the implementing partner for SDG Indicator 6.3.2 for Water Quality. Key activities within this role include:
- Contributing to the 6.3.2 methodology
- Lead authors on the report for SDG Indicator 6.3.2: Progress on Ambient Water Quality - Piloting the monitoring methodology and initial findings for SDG indicator 6.3.2
- Providing baseline and in-country support for the global rollout of the indicator
- Producing interactive tutorials describing core paremeters and technical details related to SDG 6.3.2
- Delivering in-situ workshops and advice
SDG Indicator 6.3.2 Tutorials
These two tutorials serve as a resource for countries implementing SDG Indicator 6.3.2. The tutorials are interactive and designed to be viewed through a modern web browser. You can complete the tutorials at your own pace and repeat them as many times as you like. We hope you find both tutorials enjoyable and informative.
The first tutorial details the nine steps of the step-by-step methodology, and uses a simple example to lead you through the procedure.
The second tutorial provides background information and technical detail, with links to further reading which may be needed to help explain concepts introduced in the step-by-step tutorial.