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Minister Sherlock and Enterprise Ireland Announce New €200k Fund for Cork Entrepreneurs

Yesterday, March 28, 2014, the Minister for Research and Innovation, Mr Seán Sherlock, T.D., announced a new €200,000 Enterprise Ireland fund to help entrepreneurs in Cork explore the feasibility of their start-up ideas.
The fund can provide up to €25,000 towards the cost of a feasibility study to help new entrepreneurs to validate their start-up ideas. The aim of the fund is to boost start-ups and stimulate growth and job creation in Cork City and County. The deadline for applications is 6pm on Friday 25th April 2014.
Announcing the fund, Minister Sherlock said: “Cork has a strong entrepreneurship culture. This fund is aimed at helping people who have a bright idea for an international business that can grow and provide valuable jobs in the Cork region. I am confident that there is a wealth of creative and capable potential entrepreneurs in the County that have a business idea they’d like to put to the test.”
“The Government is committed to supporting entrepreneurs and business of all sizes through support mechanisms. This is the latest in a series of supports that can only benefit prospective success stories of the future.”
The application process will be competitive and its particular focus is on supporting innovative, growth-oriented businesses with the potential to move into export markets over time.
Enda McDonnell, Enterprise Ireland’s Director for the South/South East Region said: “If you have a new business idea and you are based in Cork city or county then the Cork Feasibility Fund could help you get started. If you are an entrepreneur or very early stage business with your eyes on international growth, we encourage you to review details of the scheme …it might be just what you have been looking for to test the commercial potential of your business idea.”
Full details of the fund including the application form are available on the Enterprise Ireland website:
Enquiries can be directed to or by phoning Enterprise Ireland, Cork at +353 21 4800231
For further information, please contact:
Ciara Concannon, Enterprise Ireland, Cork +353 21 4800231 or + 353 87 2043435