Current Students

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Teaching delivery 2024-2025
Initial Class meetings will take place as follows in each year. Full information on the year ahead will be provided during these meetings by the relevant Year Convenors and Module Convenors.
Year 1
- Wednesday18 September at 2pm in ORB123: BSc International Business with French
- Thursday 19 September at 9am in ORB1.45: BEd Gaeilge
- Thursday 19 September at 10am in ORB3.26: BCL Law & French
- Thursday 19 September at 3pm in Kane G19: All other First Year programmes
Year 2
- Tuesday 10 September at 12 noon in Kane G01
Final Year
- Tuesday 10 September at 2pm in ELECT L1
Staff communication with students
There are many ways of staying in touch with members of the French department, and, equally, many points of information you will need at various points in the year. All staff have regular consulation hours (see departmental noticeboard), are in email contact and can be met on the basis of appointment. As well as this, some people have specific responsibilities and will be of the most help - for example the convenor of the year of study you are in. In this section of the website, we have tried to put all that practical information and the most relevant contacts.
Head of the French Department : Dr Martin Howard
Year One Convenor: Dr Kate Hodgson
FR1201 module Convenor: Dr Kate Hodgson
Year One Language module Convenors: M. Matthieu Nivard (written) / Dr Anne-Pauline Crepet (oral)
Year Two Convenor: Dr Laura Kennedy
FR2202 (literary seminar I) Convenor: Dr Charlotte Berkery
Year Two Language module Convenors: Ms Christine Montané (written) / (oral)
Final Year Convenor: Professor Oliver Davis
Year Three/Four Language module Convenors: Ms Milouda Louh (written) / Ms Sylvie Campion (oral)
FR4201 (literary seminar II) Convenor: Dr Louise Kari-Méreau
Postgraduates Convenor: Dr Hannah Silvester
Erasmus Programme Convenor:
BSc International Business with languages Convenor: Professor Oliver Davis
BCLF Convenor: Dr Sinan Richards
BEd Gaeilge Convenor: Ms Sylvie Campion
Languages for All Programme Convenor: Ms M. Spencer
Assessments / Essays / End of Year Examinations
Autumn examinations and assessments, 2024 – French
Students registered for autumn exams in French should ensure that they are aware of arrangements through the Student Records and Examination Office and relevant Canvas module sites.
Application for script viewing
- Students will have the opportunity to view their scripts in the Department of French on Tuesday 2nd July and Wednesday 3rd July, between 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm.
- If you wish to avail of script consultation, please fill in this scriptviewing24 and send it to Ms Eileen Casey ( at least 24 hrs before the viewing session.
Erasmus | Incoming students
Le Department of French accueille chaque année bon nombre d'étudiants ERASMUS en provenance de tous les pays de l'Europe. Pour vous informer sur les modules que vous pouvez suivre, référez-vous au Book of Modules publié par l'Université
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez besoin d'informations. Nous vous accueillerons avec plaisir au début de l'année.