Going to Court / Agreement

Paths to Resolution
Whatever the circumstances, there are many different ways to resolve a family dispute. The options range from counselling with a view to resolving the differences, or recognising that the relationship has irretrievably broken down and; negotiating an agreement through mediation, collaborative practice and/or negotiation with the assistance of legal professionals, or an application to the courts for judicial resolution.
This section aims to outline and explain the different options available to allow the most appropriate route to be identified. The options are not exclusive and more than one approach may be necessary to resolve all the issues arising.
For more information
The Legal Aid Board
- Address: The Legal Aid Board, Quay Street, Caherciveen, Kerry.
- Tel:+353 (0)66 947 1000 Locall: 1890 615 200
- Website: www.legalaidboard.ie
- Email: info@legalaidboard.ie
Free Legal Advice Centres
- Address: , 13 Lower Dorset Street, Dublin 1.
- Tel:+353 (0)1 8745690 Fax:+353 (0)1 8745320
- Website: flac.ie
- Email: info@flac.ie
Family Mediation Service
- Address: Family Mediation Service, 1st Floor, St. Stephen’s Green House, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2.
- Tel:+353 (0)1 6344320 Fax:+353 (0)1 6622339
- Website: http://www.legalaidboard.ie/lab/publishing.nsf/Content/Family_Mediation_Service
- Email: info@fsa.i
Citizens Information
- Address: Drop in 260 locations nationwide
- Tel: 0761 07 4000 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm).
- Website: http://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/
Accord Catholic Marriage Counselling Service
- Tel: 01 505 3112
- Website: accord.ie
- Email: admin@accord.ie