News & Announcements
The Fusion of Theory and Practice: Reflection on the Early Years & Childhood Studies Professional Practice Placement through a Community of Practice [CoP] Experience
Dr Alison Moore and Marcella Towler are part of a project that is funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. A series of four Community of Practice Events were held between 4th November 2021 and May 2022, during which they explored the relationship between college staff, students and professional practice placements and how students can be best supported.
The project’s aim, by developing a Community of Practice (CoP) is to bring students, staff and mentors together to develop a ‘culture of meaningful engagement, to enable collaboration and capacity building and to identify and share best practice’ (NStEP,2016). The CoP facilitates some stimulating discussions, leading to transformative action, from the perspective of Students, Mentors and HEIs ‘lived experiences’ of professional practice placement. A link to the 4th Newsletter can be found here.