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Seimineair & Comhdhálacha


Bíonn dhá sheimineár phoiblí á stiúradh ag an Oll. Pádraig Ó Macháin i gcaitheamh na bliana acadúla:
Filíocht na Scol Seimeastair 1 agus 2, Dé Mairt 3 p.m.
Cáipéisí Déanacha Dlí Seimeastar 2, Dé hAoine 3 p.m. Feach ar Late Medieval Deeds in Irish.

Tugann aoiléachtóirí seimineáir eile ó am go ham. Fáilte roimh chách.


Comhdhálacha reatha agus roimhe seo

Comhdháil Teagaisc 18 Meán Fómhair 2024

Comhdháil Teagaisc dírithe ar mhúinteoirí Gaeilge i Scoileanna T1 agus T2. Saorchead isteach ach ní mór clárú roimh ré ag an nasc thíos. Tá an chomhdháil seo maoinithe ag an gComhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta (COGG) agus ag Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chorcaí (CETB).

Use and Reuse of Paper in the Pre-Industrial World


27-28 August

CACSSS Seminar Room (ORB G. 27)

Department of Modern Irish UCC


The Árni Magnússon Institute for

Icelandic Studies, Reykjavik


Use and Reuse of Paper in the Pre-Industrial World


TUESDAY 27 August

13:30-14:10     Registration

14:10-14:30     Introductory Remarks: Prof. Stephen Byrne, Registrar, UCC

14:30-15:30     SESSION 1: Use of Paper in Iceland

 Silvia Hufnagel Paper Use in 17th-Century Skálholt

 Ermenegilda Müller Uses of Paper at the Bishopric of Hólar, Iceland, in the Mid-18th Century

15:30-16:00     Coffee

16:00-17:00     KEYNOTE

 Anna Reynolds Wrapping Up: The Long History of Waste Wrappers

  1. 00 Reception


09:00-10:00     SESSION 2: Reuse of Paper

 Jemima Bennett Parchment and Paper: Fragments and Endleaves in Late Medieval Oxford Bindings

 Giovanni Pagani Reused Fragments in Book Structures: The Case of an Incunabulum from the Franciscan Library of Falconara 

10:00-10:30     COFFEE

10:30-12:00     SESSION 3: Reuse of Paper in Iceland

 Halldóra Kristinsdóttir and Rannver Hannesson Ingenious Recycling: Reused Paper in Icelandic Post-Medieval Manuscripts

Beeke Stegmann Wrapping Words with Paper: Early 18th-Century Archival Use of (Waste) Paper Surrounding Icelandic Charter Copies

 Yelena Helgadótti: “Á blaði sérílagi”: Reuse of Paper in Folklore Collections

12:00-13:30     Lunch

13:30-14:30     SESSION 4: Use and Reuse of Paper in the Americas

 Ashley Cataldo: Bound to Waste Paper: An Exploration of Printed and Manuscript Waste in Early American Books

 Martha Elena Romero: Use and Reuse of European and Indigenous Paper in 16th- and 17th-Century Mexican Bindings as Evidence of the Clash of Two Cultures

14:30-15:00     Coffee

15:00-16:30     SESSION 5: Non-Textual Reuse of Paper

Sebastian Kirsch Fragments of Paper and Parchment in Musical Instruments: Binder’s Waste for the Production and Repair of Lutes from the 16th to the 19th Century

 Amélie Junqua One More Way to Reuse Paper: Papier Maché in the Mid-18th Century

Fiona J. Handley and Anne Regourd: The Reuse of Paper in Egyptian Medieval Tailor Workshops

16:30-17:00     Closing Remarks



Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge

Department of Modern Irish

Áras Uí Rathaille, UCC
