Dr Jorge Gosalbez Castillo visits URG again in 2018
Researcher Dr Jorge Gosalbez Castillo is visiting the Ultrasonics Research Group in UCC again in 2018.
Dr Jorge Gosalbez Castillo is Associate Professor at the Departamento de Comunicaciones in the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) and a member of the Signal Processing Group of the Institute of Telecommunication and Multimedia Applications (I-TEAM). His research interests include ultrasound signal processing for non-destructive evaluation of materials. Dr Gosalbez visited the URG for 3 months in 2016 when he investigated air-coupled ultrasonic testing of cementitious materials. This led to a joint publication in the journal Ultrasonics. Dr Gosalbez will be visiting UCC again until August 2018 and will be investigating advanced airborne methods of ultrasonic testing.