1. Programme Overview
The University Staff Recognition Awards Programme was inaugurated in 2010 and is now in its fifteenth year. The Awards Programme provides a formal process for acknowledging outstanding achievements by UCC staff and for recognising and celebrating these achievements. The programme complements informal recognition and appreciation of colleagues’ contribution to the University and the wider community on a day to day basis. The Awards Programme offers a number of award categories and the categories offered may vary from one year to the next. Responsibility for implementing the Awards Programme lies with the People and Culture Department (HR)
A Selection Committee is established to evaluate nominations based on indicative criteria for each award category. The Selection Committee determines the nominees to be recognised under the Awards Programme in any given year. Those selected to receive a University Staff Recognition Award in 2024 will be honoured at a ceremony, hosted by the President, which will take place in October this year.
Staff Recognition Award Categories 2025 in brief
For the 2025 call, there will be up to 14 awards with at least one award being awarded in each category, the remaining 7 are awarded at the discretion of the adjudication committee. The People and Culture Department (HR) seeks to ensure that the Awards Programme recognises a wide range of achievements by all staff at various stages of their careers.
Staff may be nominated by colleagues for recognition in the following award categories:
[1] Cross Campus Engagement Award
Nominations invited for teams
[2] Enhancing the Student Experience Award
Nominations invited for individuals & team
[3] Exceptional Citizen Award
Nominations invited for individuals & teams.
[4] The Frank McGrath Perpetual Award for Wellbeing and Welfare
Nominations invited for individuals & teams.
[5] Impact Award
Nominations invited for individuals.
[6] Leadership Award
Nominations invited for individuals.
[7] Outstanding Colleague Award
Nominations invited for individuals.
Individuals or teams cannot self-nominate.
Only staff currently on the UCC payroll can nominate a colleague for an award.
Nominees may only be nominated once, and for one award category, in any particular year.
- A staff member can be selected for an individual staff recognition award no more than once in any five year period.
Retired staff are not eligible for nomination.
Nominees must have completed their period of probation
Nominees must consent to their nomination.
University College Cork has a number of subsidiary companies operating on campus covering a wide range of activities and functions for the benefit of the University, its students and its staff. In recognition of the valuable contribution which the staff of these companies make to the UCC community, a Campus Companies Staff Recognition Awards was established by President John O’Halloran in 2022.
A Selection Committee has been established to evaluate nominations based on indicative criteria for each award category. The Selection Committee determines the nominees to be recognised under the Awards Programme in any given year. Those selected to receive a UCC Campus Companies Staff Recognition Award will be honoured at a ceremony, hosted by the President, which will take place later in the year.
For the 2025 call, three awards are available with at least one award available for each of the three award categories.
Staff may be nominated by colleagues for recognition in the following award categories:
[1] Customer Care Award
Nominations invited for individuals & teams.
[2] Best Contribution to a Strategic Initiative of the University
Nominations invited for team.
[3] Unsung Hero Award
Nominations invited for individuals.
- The Awards are open to current staff of ArtGallery (UCC) DAC, Campus Accommodation (UCC) DAC, Irish Management Institute, Mardyke Leisure (UCC) DAC, Student Facilities and Services (UCC) DAC and UCC Academy DAC, who have completed their period of probation at the time of nomination for an Award. Retired members of staff are not eligible for the Award categories listed at 2. below.
A campus company staff member can be selected for an individual Award no more than once in any five year period
View the in Award Categories and Indicative Criteria in detail.
Updated: January 2025