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2. Award Categories and Indicative Criteria - 2025

                                                  AWARD CATEGORIES



For the 2025 call, there are seven categories of award with up to 14 awards with at least one award being awarded in each category, the remaining 7 are awarded at the discretion of the adjudication committee.


[1]           The Frank McGrath Perpetual Award for Wellbeing and Welfare

Nominations invited for individuals or teams.


[2]           Impact Award 

Nominations invited for individuals only.


[3]         Leadership Award 

Nominations invited for individuals only.


[4]          Exceptional Citizen Award

Nominations invited for individuals or teams.


[5]        Enhancing the Student Experience Award 

Nominations invited for individuals or teams.


[6]        Outstanding Colleague Award

Nominations invited for individuals.


[7]        Cross Campus Engagement Award

Nominations invited for teams


1. Indicative Criteria for the Frank McGrath Perpetual Award for Wellbeing and Welfare

This Award may be presented to individuals or teams who demonstrate the most outstanding contribution towards wellbeing and welfare at UCC in a way that emulates the high standards established by our esteemed colleague Mr Frank McGrath RIP.

Examples might include, but are not limited to:

  • Exhibiting particular tenacity or energy in pursuing wellbeing or welfare initiatives;
  • Raising the profile of UCC as an organisation that exhibits best practice in relation to wellbeing or welfare;
  • Demonstrating creative initiative in progressing wellbeing and welfare issues;
  • Creating an inclusive environment at UCC that embraces wellbeing and welfare;
  • Developing awareness of wellbeing and welfare in others (e.g., through positive role modelling, through teaching & learning initiatives or curriculum development);
  • Volunteering or working on a wellbeing/welfare initiative and contributing beyond the normal expectation of one’s role;
  • Identifying opportunities to enhance the welfare of vulnerable individual(s);
  • Collaborating, communicating or cooperating to enable or enhance wellbeing or welfare provisions;
  • Bringing graduate attributes and values to life for UCC students;
  • Developing and/or delivering current/future activities through the lens of graduate attributes and values


  2.  Indicative Criteria for the Impact Award

Please note that there is no longer a requirement for nominees to be newly appointed or promoted and in post for a period of 5 years. Tenure of post and date of appointment is not considered when assessing nominations for this award.

The Impact Award may be presented to an individual who demonstrates the most outstanding achievements in some or all of the following:

  • Building relationships /collaborations;

  • Optimisation of opportunities;

  • Creativity and innovation;

  • Self-starter capability.

    Examples might include, but are not limited to:

  • the identification and optimisation of opportunities that contribute to the successful delivery of one or more of the University’s strategic goals;

  • the introduction of an initiative that brings about a positive change in support of the University’s strategic goals;

  • improvements to policies/practices and/or programme design;

  • the development of relationships/collaborations to enable UCC to meet one or more of its strategic goals;

  • evidence of imagination, creativity and innovation which supports the achievement of the University's strategic goals;

  •  Bringing graduate attributes and values to life for UCC students

  • Developing and/or delivering current/future activities through the lens of graduate attributes and values



    3. Indicative Criteria for the Leadership Award 

    This Award may be presented to individuals who demonstrate the most outstanding achievements in some or all of the following:

  • Exemplary leadership skills  (internal &/or external);

  • Building and articulating vision;

  • Inspiring collaboration and co-operation;

  • Exceptional analytical and decision-making skills;

  • Creating sustainable and innovative results.

    Examples might include, but are not limited to:

  • demonstrating exemplary leadership skills that have a positive impact on a Team &/or Department / School / Unit &/or College / University (e.g. increases recognition of Team &/or Department / School / Unit &/or College / University as an exemplar of excellence; achievement of sustainable results);

  • demonstrating outstanding leadership skills with external partners/agencies, strengthening the University's external engagement with, and contribution to society (e.g. key and strategic leadership on external bodies at national and international level; forging active collaborations and alliances with external partners/agencies);

  • effectively building and articulating the vision and mission of a team / unit by fostering motivation of group members and ensuring a deep level of commitment from all team members;

  • inspiring a sense of collaboration, co-operation and trust to enable the team/ unit to achieve its defined goals and objectives (e.g. leads by example; creating a work climate that encourages open dialogue and constructive criticism; innovative leadership; respecting and valuing contributions of each member of staff and by remaining true to the highest ethical standards at all times; consensus building; includes all staff in discussions and decision making processes, and accounts for these decisions);

  • exhibiting exceptional analytical and decision-making skills in realising the goals and objectives of the team / unit;

  • creating sustainable and/or innovative methods for improving organisational performance and operational efficiency (e.g. securing long-term professional development for the group members of the Team / Department / School / Unit / College / University through capacity building including leadership skills in areas of responsibility

  • Bringing graduate attributes and values to life for UCC students
  • Developing and/or delivering current/future activities through the lens of graduate attributes and values



 4. Indicative Criteria for the Exceptional Citizen Award 

This Award may be presented to individuals or teams who demonstrate the most outstanding achievements in some or all of the following:

  • Exceptional contribution to Citizenship, Community Engagement/ Volunteering, or Community Leadership
    • Sustained engagement in Active Citizenship and evidence of significant impact through a regional or national profile for leadership in active citizenship.
    • A discernible outcome or impact in one or more of the following domains of active citizenship: Volunteering, Advocacy, Community Engagement, Social Regeneration, Social Entrepreneurship would be required.

Examples might include, but are not limited to:

  • demonstrating exceptional service and impact of an altruistic nature for the greater good of others (e.g. act of bravery, humanitarian work, fundraising activities; voluntary participation in community organisations, government sponsored activities);
  • demonstrating evidence of willingness to extend himself/herself/themselves to help other members of the community with a high degree of excellence, professionalism and integrity in the performance of his/her/their work (e.g. demonstrates exceptional service to students, staff and wider community either directly or by supporting others who provide service to these groups; serves as a model of service to the community; shows imagination, creativity and innovation);
  • contributing significantly to improving the quality of life in the University and/or in his/her/their community;
  • exemplifying good citizenship through personal volunteerism or by helping to position the University as a good citizen in the wider world;
  • Bringing graduate attributes and values to life for UCC students
  • Developing and/or delivering current/future activities through the lens of graduate attributes and values



 5.  Indicative Criteria for the Enhancing the Student Experience Award 

  • This Award may be presented to individuals or teams who demonstrate the most outstanding achievements in providing inspiration and innovation in enhancing the student experience at UCC.

    Examples might include, but are not limited to:

  • the identification and optimisation of opportunities that contribute to supporting UCC students’ academic, personal, social and/or cultural needs;

  • outstanding contribution to student learning, demonstrating exemplary initiative in offering UCC students a personally &/or intellectually rewarding curricular &/or extracurricular learning experience;

  • supporting the involvement of UCC students in University life ‘beyond the classroom’ such that students feel like valued members of the University community;

  • demonstrating outstanding progress in developing flexibility in UCC academic/life-long learning programmes or other services;

  • creating an inclusive student environment at UCC that embraces diversity and equality;

  • extending the range of non-academic student activities that take place on the campus and enhancing sports and recreational facilities to give all students a greater opportunity to participate;

  • developing innovative systems and processes that enhance the UCC student experience in a significant way

  •  Bringing graduate attributes and values to life for UCC students

  • Developing and/or delivering current/future activities through the lens of graduate attributes and values



    6. Indicitive Criteria for the Outstanding Colleague Award 

    This award may be presented to individuals who deliver outstanding service to the University Community.  However the award may also be bestowed upon individuals who provide exceptional service at the departmental or unit level. Grade and years of service do not influence eligibility for this award; but rather a spirit of generosity, community, and dedication to the work, staff and students of the department/unit.

    This Award may be presented to individuals who demonstrate outstanding achievements in some or all of the following:

  •  a spirit of collaboration, collegiality and open communication.

  • provision of assistance and support to colleagues that is above and beyond expectations and/or a formal job description.

  • contributions which have made a positive and lasting impact on teaching, research and/or general administration.

  • contribution and service that has earned the respect of colleagues and/or students for their professionalism, dedication, team work and contribution to improving morale, efficiencies and superior service.

  • enhance the quality of service through identifying continuous improvement initiatives above and beyond the call of duty.

    Examples might include, but are not limited to:

  • demonstrating exceptional service of an altruistic nature for the greater good of the department/Unit and/or wider University community.

  • demonstrating evidence of willingness to extend himself/herself to help other members of the UCC community with a high degree of excellence, professionalism and integrity in the performance of his/her work (e.g. demonstrates exceptional service to colleagues, students, staff and University constituents either directly or by supporting others who provide service to these groups; serves as a model of service shows imagination, creativity and innovation);

  • successful recipients may or not have high visibility but will be an integral member and stalwart pillar of the team

  • Bringing graduate attributes and values to life for UCC students

  • Developing and/or delivering current/future activities through the lens of graduate attributes and values


7. Indicitive Criteria for the Cross Campus Engagement Award

This award may be presented to teams who have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to fostering engagement across the University Community. 

This Award may be presented to  teams who demonstrate outstanding achievements in some or all of the following:

  • A spirit of collaboration, collegiality and open communication;
  • Cross campus engagement which has impacted positively on teaching, research and/or activities that enhance and enable the University to achieve its mission and goals;
  • Engagement across UCC to create new staff opportunities and/or student opportunities and/or university opportunities;
  • Enhanced the quality of service through developing and nurturing cross campus collaborations and engagement;
  • Promotes professional and collegial values of collaboration and respect across the University;
  • Through cross campus collaboration, has brought graduate attributes and values to life for UCC students;
  • Through cross campus collaboration, has developed and/or delivered cross campus collaborative activities through the lens of graduate attributes and values.





For the 2024 call, there are three categories of award with one award available in each category.


[1]          Customer Care Award

Nominations invited for individuals & teams


[2]          Best Contribution to a Strategic Initiative of the University Award

Nominations invited for team.


 [3]           Unsung Hero Award

Nominations invited for individuals.



1. Indicative Criteria for the Customer Care Award

This Award may be presented to individuals or teams 

  • A team/individual who has demonstrated a commitment to delivering excellence in customer service with a student centred approach at its core.

2. Indicative Criteria for Best Contribution to a Strategic Initiative of the University Award

  • A team who has implemented a new initiative which contributes significantly to the stated strategic aims of the University.

3. Indicative Criteria for Unsung Hero Award 

  • An individual who has demonstrated a spirit of collaboration and support for colleagues and students which regularly exceeds expectations.




 Updated: January 2025 

University Staff and Campus Companies Staff Recognition Awards 2024

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