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Posters and presentations

Powerpoint Presentations

Conference Presentation
SPHeRe Network Conference, RCSI  Brady NM, O’Connell S, Gilligan D, Hegarty J, Savage E, & Drennan J. Patient experience in Irish hospitals: implementation of a pilot safe nurse staffing framework. Januarya 2018, Dublin.
ENRICH2, Beaumont Hospital Gilligan D, Brady NM, O’Connell S, Gannon L, Madden C, Murphy A, Scott A, Duffield C, Griffiths P, Savage E, & Drennan J.The effects resulting from the implementation of the Framework for Safe Nurse Staffing and Skill-mix on nurses’ work environment. December 2017, Dublin. 
School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC

Brady NM, Dahly D, O’Connell S, Gilligan D, Gannon L, Madden C, Murphy A, Corcoran P, Scott A, Duffield C, Griffiths P, Hegarty J, Savage E, & Drennan J. The impact of the implementation of a pilot safe nurse staffing framework on nurse sensitive patient outcomes in Irish hospitals. November 2017, Cork.

Poster Presentations

Conference Presentation
School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC

Howson V, Brady NM, Savage E, Murphy A, Griffiths P, Duffield C, Scott A & Drennan J. Safe nurse staffing for single rooms. December 2018, Cork. Single rooms poster UCC 2018

School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC

O’Connell S, Brady NM, Gilligan D, Gannon L, Madden C, Murphy A, Corcoran P, Scott A, Duffield C, Griffiths P, Hegarty J, Savage E, & Drennan J. Patient experience in Irish hospitals: implementation of a pilot safe nurse staffing framework. November 2017, Cork. Patient outcome poster UCC 2017

School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC

Gilligan D, Brady NM, O’Connell S, Gannon L, Madden C, Murphy A, Corcoran P, Scott A, Duffield C, Griffiths P, Hegarty J, Savage E, & Drennan J. The implementation of a pilot safe nurse staffing framework: nursing environment, job satisfaction and intention to stay. November 2017, Cork. Nurse outcome poster UCC 2017

HRH 2017 Forum Brady NM, & Drennan J. A Framework for the Stabilisation of the nursing workforce: A pilot study. November 2017, Dublin. TrendCare poster HRH forum 2017

School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Group

Programme of Research into Safe Nurse Staffing and Skill-Mix
