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Welcome to PPI Ignite Network@ UCC

Our aim is to build capacity for high-quality Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) within UCC and amongst wider society and embed PPI within institutional policies and practices.

What is Public and Patient Involvement (PPI)?

Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) can be described as research carried out ‘with’ or ‘by’ members of the public rather than ‘to’, ‘about’ or ‘for’ them. PPI is a mechanism for people to contribute to the research process, for example by identifying what research is important, checking that the language of materials for participants in a study is appropriate and understandable or participation in data analysis or in an oversight group for a study.

It can also involve things like designing and refining the research plan, helping with the recruitment of participants and other aspects of the delivery of the study, and publicising the outputs. Input can be at any stage of the research cycle but will have the greatest impact if it comes early.

PPI Ignite Network@UCC

4th Floor Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, T12 XF62
