Welcome to the home page of Professor Marcel Jansen and his plant stress biology group.
Professor Marcel Jansen leads the plant ecophysiology group in the School of BEES at University College Cork, Ireland. The research group operates on the interface between basic and applied plant sciences, focusing mainly on plant stress physiology. Research takes place within several funded research projects, find out more details below.
We can also be found on Twitter as Plants for Sustainability - @Plants_UCC
We welcome you to contact us to discuss aspects of our work.
Our work
Examples of the work in the Plant Stress group include:
- The effects of solar ultraviolet-B radiation on plants. Also, how the defence responses of plants to UV-B can be used to improve crop quality by the horticultural industry (plant architecture, flavour, colour).
- The mechanisms of Zinc uptake by plants, and its ability to improve the nutritional value of feed and food.
- The toxicological aspects of wood ash (biofuel combustion residue), but also highlighting the usefulness of this material for plant growth enhancement.
- The physiological traits of aquatic plants, and how these relate to the invasiveness of specific alien species in Ireland.
The group uses a variety of plant species to address research questions. However, we have particularly extensive experience in using aquatic Lemna species to address questions related to stress, toxicology and remediation.
Funding for our research is provided by a range of organisations, including SFI, IRC, EPA and COFORD.
We strongly welcome enquiries of prospective collaborators (industry and/or academia in Ireland or abroad) who wish to explore basic or applied research questions with us.
We also welcome enquiries by funded postgraduate students or post-doctoral fellows who are interested in carrying out a project in our group.
If you want to learn more, feel free to contact me.
In the News

UNEP Report 2023 published

Shining a light on healthier food