2015 Press Releases
Call for Tax on SSDs
Researchers at the Health Research Board Centre for Health and Diet Research have announced their support for a 20% tax on sugar-sweetened drinks (SSDs).
Read the full press release on the College of Medicine & Health news section.
Cork study links childhood obesity and sugary drinks http://t.co/pQlOuCMAcG pic.twitter.com/px0cTGU86z
— The Irish Times (@IrishTimes)
October 7, 2015
What do you think, should they? @thejournal_ie picked up our release from @HRBCHDR yesterday. http://t.co/lwync5rTeV @UCC
— UCC Medicine&Health (@UCCMedHealth)
October 8, 2015
Sugar-rich drinks link to body weight, via @cathshan http://t.co/DfFOlNoWtb (GM) pic.twitter.com/NPOt3QLscU
— Irish Examiner (@irishexaminer)
October 8, 2015