2013 Press Releases
Success on the Horizon

UCC warmly welcomes budgetary agreement on Horizon 2020, recognising the opportunity it heralds across Ireland and Europe.
UCC congratulates those behind the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation on an achievement that holds such promise for research, innovation and collaboration into the future.
Acting as an immense catalyst for jobs and sustainable growth, it will further contribute to overcoming the challenges faced by every nation, including climate change and resource security.
“Horizon 2020 will offer tremendous opportunity for many of our researchers across the university to attract funding for their research and engage as collaborators with leading research teams across Europe”, commented Professor Anita Maguire, Vice President for Research & Innovation at UCC as she offered her congratulations.
“Researchers from all disciplines will find opportunities within the programme – from STEM to Humanities and Social Sciences. Many of the key challenges identified within Horizon 2020 align effectively with areas of particular research strength in UCC – for example Food, Health, ICT, Energy, Climate Change, Inclusive and Innovative Societies”.
Multiple areas of research in UCC that command a track record of excellence resonate with the central theme in Horizon 2020 - innovation. Recent success in the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre programme, which is built on a strong foundation of enterprise collaboration, is a potent example. UCC is poised to play an essential role in this programme, the largest joint state/industry research investment in Irish history (300m euro). UCC will lead four of the seven centres involved and co-lead a fifth, while partnering the remaining two.
Dr Michael Murphy, President of UCC further welcomed the landmark agreement of EU-wide importance. “I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to all stakeholders involved in bringing this agreement to fruition. It ensures Europe will retain a competitive advantage by leading the fields of research and innovation and ensuring sustainability in its growth. It is particularly rewarding that this programme has been signed off during the Irish Presidency. UCC looks forward to engaging strongly and effectively with the Horizon 2020 process”.
For background information on Horizon 2020, please go to: http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm