2013 Press Releases
Sporting students shoot for stars

Ten top young sports stars are to be honoured by UCC, with Olympian Sonia O’Sullivan as the Guest of Honour at the UCC Sports Star Awards 2012/2013. The awards take place in the River Lee Hotel from 6pm this Wednesday 17 April.
Personalities from the world of sport, coaches, parents, UCC Clubs Executive and UCC staff will attend the 30th Annual Sports Star Awards, which recognises outstanding sporting performances from UCC sports clubs. The awards will be presented by Guest of Honour, Sonia O Sullivan, former International athlete and Honorary Graduate of UCC, and Dr Michael Murphy, President of UCC.
UCC’s Director of Sport and Physical Activity (Acting), Christine O’Donovan praised the sports stars, their coaches and the sports clubs for their performance for UCC in 2012/2013.
“The students and clubs continue to wear the skull & bones with pride and have had another very successful year - with successes in Badminton, Chess, Ladies Soccer, Orienteering, TWD & Kickboxing Intervarsities, in addition to the Hurling Club retaining the Fitzgibbon Cup following the traumatic start to their year, and the Men’s Hockey Club winning the Mauritius Cup following on from their Irish Trophy Cup success. The Hockey Clubs contested eight Cup Finals this year amongst all their teams – a tremendous achievement, winning 4 of them. League successes could still follow”.
UCC will again present the Special Achievement Award this year, known as “The Kieran Dowd Perpetual Award” for service to a club both on and off the pitch. This year, UCC will also present a “Supreme Sports Star Award” in recognition of it being the 30th year of the awards.
The River Lee Hotel continues to be the main sponsor of this event and the Bank of Ireland is co-sponsor for the Awards programme. The event is organised by Christine O’ Donovan, Director of Sport & Physical Activity (Acting) at UCC annually.