2013 Press Releases
President of Eurogroup visits UCC

UCC welcomes Mr Jeroen Dijsselbloem, President of the Eurogroup and Minister of Finance for the Netherlands today. He will give a moderated public interview, which will be live-streamed.
The Minister will discuss the Irish economic situation, where the crisis started, progress towards recovery, priorities for the future and the European perspective.
Minister Dijsselbloem’s connection with UCC stems from a period of study in 1991 for his Master’s degree in business economics at the Agricultural University of Wageningen, the Netherlands. He conducted his fieldwork research at UCC with the assistance of the Department of Food Economics (now known as Food Business and Development).
The discussion, which begins at 12.30pm and takes place in the Aula Maxima, UCC, can be watched live via www.ucc.ie/en/live/